Recent content by DoubleD1996!

  1. D

    Mud Turtles

    Thank you!
  2. D

    Mud Turtles

    We've been getting a lot more rain than usual, so I'm taking advantage of little ponds and streams to do some crayfish trapping for the turtles. These little bandits came in and robbed me. Would love to keep some, but they're a little to small for my pond.
  3. D

    Not A Bad Way To End World Turtle Day

    Couldn't have said it any better
  4. D

    Not A Bad Way To End World Turtle Day

    Crazy right? Here's hoping!
  5. D

    Not A Bad Way To End World Turtle Day

    Le-Le...laid a clutch this afternoon. Not sure if they're fertile, but time will tell.
  6. D

    Happy World Turtle Day!

    Beautiful Eastern laying eggs moments ago on a walk.
  7. D

    Whats going on??? (lesions)

    Thanks. Already started. Had no idea what they were called. I took some medical scaples the other day and started removing them. I cleaned them with some chlorhexidine. Going to up the water changes to twice a week. As soon as this rain passes I'll be able to properly treat them. Thanks again...
  8. D

    Cool thing of the day

    I never had a sled. The garbage lid was ours😂
  9. D

    Happy Mothers day- a 2nd graders view

    Lol! Kids know too much these days. I didn't have a clue
  10. D

    Whats going on??? (lesions)

    Hopefully someone. Gonna ask a few other turtle experts in the meantime. Hopefully I can send off a sample to someone to know exactly what's going on.
  11. D

    Whats going on??? (lesions)

    Noticed these lesions growing underneath one of the terrapin skin. This white mass popped out like a zit. I said maybe something to do with the water quality? I know they're not in the ideal brackish water set up, but I'm doing water changes once a week in the pond (50%). Then I noticed the...
  12. D

    Beautiful wild turtle!

  13. D

    The adventures of Link

    Cool to see the growth from 2018 till now
  14. D

    Big Matt

    It's always a guessing game till they reach maturity 😂
  15. D

    Vietnamese big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum shiui)

    Gorgeous. Definitely a dream turtle. I believe the turtle source has successfully bred them in captivity.