Recent content by Vasquez751

  1. V

    Urgent!! Sick turtle!!.

    You guys thank you so much for checking in. No hyperbole, I've literally only slept about 6 hours of consistent sleep the last couple days, taking turns with the wife getting up to check on her regularly. Things seemed to start looking up a few days ago as she appeared to have a couple bowel...
  2. V

    Urgent!! Sick turtle!!.

    Yup, done that. She's straining and it's so hard to watch. She's such a sweetheart. I'm in Washington State, does anyone know if any organizations around that be able to help ? My wife and are prepared to spend our last dime and the vetw office said they'll waive some of it, but I thought maybe...
  3. V

    Urgent!! Sick turtle!!.

    Hello! I need some help, I don't post you a lot, just want some guidance to make sure I'm not breaking the rules. My wife and I rescued a Malaysian box turtle recently, . Baby I'd be a pair of supposedly 47 years old and she's not in the best of shape. As we've been slowly nursing her back to...
  4. V

    Sympathetic yawn?

    So come across several peer-reviewed studies online. Concluding the certain species of tortoise are not capable of empathy via sympathetic yawn specifically. Doesn't look like there's a whole lot of prompted yawn action in red foot tortoises and the like. Is anybody aware of with a consensus is...
  5. V

    EXTRA! EXTRA! Turtle Trims His Own Beak!

    I have googled extensively but found very little about this issue, maybe you can help. 8 year old Eastern Boxie hybrid, raised since a 6 month old Turtling, always very active, doing a lot of stick and stone Feng Shui in his habitat. About a year ago, he started focusing on just the rocks...