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  1. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    I'm building a 2' wooden fence using the old fencing I already have. Since it is well seasoned, I will be making it as close together as possible. My question is if there is a tiny space that they can see through is that a problem?
  2. Megatron's Mom

    Banana plants inside tortoise yard or outside?

    I know they cannot eat these banana plants anytime soon. I need to wait to make sure they are safe. But I'm wondering since both tortoise are smaller, would leaving them inside the their yards be safe for shade? I'll make sure they are are re potted in clean chemical free dirt from the yard...
  3. Megatron's Mom

    I just wanted to confirm this plant.

    Google says this is oxalis or burr medic. It also says ppl make tea out of it. TT says not safe. Can someone take a look to confirm one way or the other. My tortoise yards are covered in it.
  4. Megatron's Mom

    Yes brightness matters

    So for a little while part of my LED strip lights stopped working. I figured it would be ok for a bit because the other half of the lights still worked and the room lights were on. Well I guess Optimus thought otherwise. He slowed down on eating this week. Yesterday he barely ate. Then this...
  5. Megatron's Mom

    Here we go!

    I figured I would start my own thread to post my progress on Tom's double door night box. I'm done the with the lid. I worked on it for a few hours for two nights after supper. I might have gone overboard with the screws. I probably could have use about half of what I used. Started the floor...
  6. Megatron's Mom

    Tell me what you think of this plan?

    Ok so I was initially going to make two 4x8 heated night boxes for Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Looks like OP growing like a weed "may" be able to be outdoors all day this summer. WInter we will decide about that later. I was going to make the two boxes on different sides of the yard. But we...
  7. Megatron's Mom

    Optimus Prime just pass 1000g

    I cannot believe Optimus Prime is 1022g, just last Saturday he was only 868g. Little eating machine. That pyramiding drives me nuts. From this angle it really shows too. Would that be because he was started really dry? The humidity never goes below 80% I like to keep it about 84%. Anyway, I m...
  8. Megatron's Mom

    Different sizes of CHE bulbs

    I have been using 150 watt CHE. It gave out recently. I have 100 watt back up and ordered more 150 watts. All the CHE bulbs I've had the higher the wattage the bigger the bulb. I cannot remember all the brands I bought. The new che bulbs came in today and they are smaller than the 100 watt...
  9. Megatron's Mom

    Weed ID help

    I used Google lense to ID these two weeds. I'm pretty certain the first two pictures is purple dead nettle. The other two pictures Google says it's dead nettle but it grows and looks nothing like the other. It's weed season here and I have a ton of these growing now that the grass is dormant. I...
  10. Megatron's Mom

    Nanaimo bars recipe

    Sorry posting this here as I haven't been able to figure out how to post pictures in PM's. This is the one I've been making. I use French vanilla pudding for it. It just adds that little extra to it. @NorCal tortoise guy
  11. Megatron's Mom

    Time to go bigger I thinK?

    Optimus Prime, sulcata is roughly a year old. I'm guessing this as I was given them as a Valentine day present from my husband. Optimus was 40g when I got him/her and 2 1/8th inches long. Now at 575 grams as of last Saturday and 5 3/4 inches long. I think, now that we are inside only. I...
  12. Megatron's Mom

    Little Bumblebee 😍

    Little Bumblebee for a very short time was bigger then Optimus Prime. Well that didn't last long but he's still growing nicely too at 245g. His gains have not been as big as Optimus Prime but again he will not get as big as Prime either. So a cute little pic of Bumblebee because I can't just...
  13. Megatron's Mom

    Optimus Prime hits 1lb today❤️😍

    I weigh the tortoises every Saturday. Today Optimus Prime hit 1lb (493grams). I'm pretty excited for this. Optimus has been an eating machine. It has been a rough start with this little guy, but he made it past that scary stage and is doing great. I'm not so happy that the weather has been too...
  14. Megatron's Mom

    Do leopard tortoises slow down in the fall too?

    I know leopard tortoises do not brumate, but do they slow down some? Just recently Bubble has started hiding out more and eating less. Weight gain is still really good and he is 201g. This past month has been a steady 10 grams a week weight gain. My best guess is he will be a year old late...
  15. Megatron's Mom

    Banana leaves questions

    We have a store near us that seal the cactus pads here. We can get them diced, whole, or a bag of for already cleaned up with no thorns. I usually go with the bag of four. Well this place also sells banana leaves, they could be plantain I can't remember. I know the tortes can eat these, but it...
  16. Megatron's Mom

    A question about chicken feed

    I was in TSC today getting chicken feed for the chickens. I use all flock so not what I want for the tortoises. I saw Purina Organic layer crumbles was mentioned here a few times. So my question is the size of the bag. I know chicken ppl do not like using feed that is more then 6 weeks old as...
  17. Megatron's Mom

    CHE question

    During the summer months I still need to use a couple of CHE's in my enclosure to keep night time temps above 80F. My questions is should I use a dome or not. I have seen ppl mention that domes interfere with heat being able to spread out. The dome I use is the deep or long type of dome. It...
  18. Megatron's Mom

    Shell question

    Optimus Prime is soaking after being outside. Her tub is in the sink, don't mind the drain :) I've noticed now for a bit something about the very back part of the shell. The scute right above the tail. Does it look off to you? Like it's pushed in instead of flipping out like the others next...
  19. Megatron's Mom

    BubbleBee outside loving the weather

    I figured I would share BumbleBee's day separate from Optimus Prime. So BumbleBee is just munching away enjoying the heat and humidity today. The feels like with the humidity is 106f. It's a cloudy day so that helps. I'm just sitting here watching the two of them. I love how much he has grown...
  20. Megatron's Mom

    Optimus Prime enjoying outside

    I was going to wait until Optimus Prime made 200g but I'm just so happy I wanted to post today. So Optimus Prime was a mere 40g when my husband gave him to me for Valentines. I was terrified as I didn't know how he was started. Or even when he hatched. But today he weighed in at 184 grams...