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  1. Megatron's Mom

    New Guy here

  2. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    That's a good idea
  3. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    Thanks, the water gutter downspout will for sure need something to protect it.
  4. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    Thanks, I will make another layer just in case.
  5. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    Also the one side Optimus Prime will have access to is next to the house. Since OP is a sulcata should I place something against the vinal siding?
  6. Megatron's Mom

    Fence questions

    I'm building a 2' wooden fence using the old fencing I already have. Since it is well seasoned, I will be making it as close together as possible. My question is if there is a tiny space that they can see through is that a problem?
  7. Megatron's Mom

    Tortoise walked away outside-- any ideas to attract him back?

    I'm sorry he was not Chip. At least you are able to help this one. Chip come out come wherever you are!
  8. Megatron's Mom

    New member from Italy

  9. Megatron's Mom

    Buying a box turtle

    You can also check out Morphmarket. Be very very picky on FB, some of the tortoises that Mhiz post are very very pyramiding and they are so itty bitty.
  10. Megatron's Mom

    Buying a box turtle

    Sorry but the profiles are lacking in real posts. As for other member's posting and praising that is another scam tactic. I'm not saying for sure if that is what this is, but it does send reflags to me. It's also not unusual to have the scammer be an admin so you can't even trust that. Their...
  11. Megatron's Mom

    22 years ... Is It Today?

    Congratulations your two. Wishing you many many more.
  12. Megatron's Mom

    Here we go!

    @ryan57 does this placement look right for the actuator? I think they sent me the wrong one as it is supposed to be rated for 600lbs and there is no way it will hold the lid nevermind open it.
  13. Megatron's Mom

    Opuntia Cactus

    Thank you
  14. Megatron's Mom

    Opuntia Cactus

    I've never seen mine flower. I have the spineless type for over a year now. It has grown a lot but never flowered. So only the spiny ones flower?
  15. Megatron's Mom

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    I used a large kiddie pool. I put cattle panel over it to keep the dogs out. I still never left them alone as it was my chill time to relax and enjoy them. Added a picture. A little overgrown atm with clover but the bees love the clover.
  16. Megatron's Mom

    Baby sulcata not growing much

    Keep up the daily soaks, refill his dish when empty. I keep filling it up until all day until about 6pm mine won't eat after that. If it's all gone in a few minutes I fill it back up. They won't eat if not hungry but when they feel likes another bite it is there waiting for them. If you're...
  17. Megatron's Mom

    White stone substance stuck in tortoise

    I had a similar thing with my Sulcata baby. I added some mineral oil for a few days after getting the piece out. This was to help lube anything else that might be still in him. Mine was started dry but doing very well now at a 1y 1/2 old.
  18. Megatron's Mom

    New Sulcata Hatchlings

    Hello, welcome, they are so stinking cute. Take a look at this thread for up to date information on care.
  19. Megatron's Mom

    Tortoise walked away outside-- any ideas to attract him back?

    I'm far from knowing anything about this type of tortoise, but the pictures to me look very much like it could be Chip. Good luck I hope you find him and can see in person if it truly is Chip or not. This little guy needs a safe space too.
  20. Megatron's Mom

    What type of turtle is this. We live in mountain home ar. My daughter found it on her driveway.

    They are getting more active here in AR. Make sure she knows to leave it alone, they are protected here.