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  1. J

    The importance of DEEP shade

    I was saddened to read of two tortoises dying. I leave a large water dish out all the time, if he wants to climb in for a soak he does, then climbs out when he's had enough. I will make sure it's in a dappled shade area this summer though.
  2. J

    Leopard Tortoise Indoor Enclosure

    Size wise it seems good, but there's no way for him to see anything other than straight up? My Leopard (I think until nearly 4yrs) had a very large aquarium tank with tall sides and a sheet of perspex balanced on top. After that, I gave him a double section of kitchen worktop with the cupboards...
  3. J

    Hermann Tortoise Indoor Enclosure

    Is there any way you could take the top half off and put it next to the run section on the level? The ramp looks a bit steep, he might fall off trying to negotiate it? If side by side he'd have a decent size open wandering area and a nice private place to retreat to while little. I put a couple...
  4. J


    You have built an amazing enclosure! :)
  5. J

    Inactive tortoise

    I don't think any lamp will compensate for the outside daylight brightness and shortening. In my view it's healthier to allow them to adapt their behaviour to the seasons, as we do. My tortoise, regardless of his uva/b 160w bulb, knows perfectly well it's autumn, and is slowing down markedly and...
  6. J

    Hi Milliesmama, I found when mine had a cold and runny nose, that putting Vick vapour rub under...

    Hi Milliesmama, I found when mine had a cold and runny nose, that putting Vick vapour rub under his chin helped clear it and help him breathe better. Trouble is, if they can't smell food, they tend to stop eating. Probably a good idea to take it to a specialist (if possible) vet, as a...
  7. J

    10 month old baby tortoise scared of me

    When he/she gets larger, you'll find it easy to work out whether boy or girl, as boys have a concave tummy, to stop them rolling off the female, while she has a flat to bulging tummy to make room for eggs. If a he, he's hiding his 'equipment' halfway down, right inside his tail, a very ingenious...
  8. J

    Problems with my Russian tortoise

    Hi, An easy way to keep the water bowl upright, is to use the type sold for spaniel dogs with flared sides, they will not tip when he stands on the edge, which is likely to be the cause of tipping, not deliberate, but just trying to get a drink. I agree about the probability that your tortoise's...