From San Diego to Michigan...

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10 Year Member!
May 2, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Utica. MI
So, we had a change of plans.. we were going to visit michigan with Ted, then go back to california, but some bad stuff happened and we found out a bunch of crap, and after the wedding we decided to stay in michigan.. Sadly Ted won't have the same sun conditions he had in california, and i really feel bad the the little guy because he was growing so great, and so healthy.. now im worried that his growth habbits will change drastically for the worse.. hopefully not though, right? =\

He wont be able to be by a window like he was before, so he will need artificial sunlight for the winter months.. what kind of bulbs and things should i get ready for him? right now its sort of the summer months, so he is okay with the little stuff he has right now because he is outside mostly.. but when it gets colder..

we are making him a tort table/box/thing for him in our garage, but im still shady about what lights to get (no pun intended).. help? or opinions?


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Dec 18, 2008
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Ted is a Sulcata, right?

It is completely possible to raise a Sully in Michigan, although it is going to take some work and dedication. I have 5 - two of which were born and bred here in MI.

In a nutshell, he may grow a little slower here than he did in San Diego, but it should not affect him in any other way.

The thing about being by a window is that it was never actually helping him to be by a window in the first place. The UV rays that a tortoise needs will not pass through glass or screen. Being placed by a window, therefore, does absolutely nothing for them.

I personally do not use UV lights, even here in MI. My torts are outside all summer long, and the UV that they receive through the summer months sustains them through the winter.

How big is Ted? I can give better advice knowing ;)


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Sorry you had to move and stay in Michigan:( The weather there is almost like mine in Chicago I am originally from Michigan:(. Better humidity then California, but that's about it. Like Kristina said, it can be done just as well. If you get a MVB, mercury vapor bulb, it will give you heat and UVB all in one. Then you would only need a CHE, ceramic heat emitter for night time heat. Depending on the enclosure, you probably will have both on during the day and then just the Che on at night. What part of Michigan? Good luck:D Ted will be fine


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Apr 13, 2012
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Welcome to Michigan! Your babies should do just fine here, just make sure they have a uv and a basking light.
Ive just recently gotten my Russian and don't have a secure outside pen yet so my girl only gets about an hour a day outside right now.
You'll all adjust :)
I'm in Lansing, how about you guys?

Also, is your garage insulated/heated? Our attached garage gets under freezing during the winter sometimes. might be too chilly?


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May 2, 2011
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Utica. MI
Okay sorry it took so long to respond, been super busy with this baby and everything haha im actually due in 11 days!! crazy i know! haha but umm.. yes ted is a sully, and he has been in michigan before, but being in cali has made him have a HUGE growth spirt, and now he is like two times the size he is supposed to be! nobody believes me that he is only a year old! but i know for a fact he is lol

Ive lived in michigan my whole life, just moved out to cali for the year.. i know its possible to raise the little guys here, and ted has an amazing enclosure right now.. I'd post pictures but i dont have a camera anymore =\ so i cant.. hes got a heating pad UNDER his tank so he isnt directly on it.. and i do need to get him a UVB bulb.. are there any specific types you guys would recommend? what brand?


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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
For the summer I would get a fluorescent, a MVB would probably be to hot. However I like the MVB the best, heat and UVB.


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10 Year Member!
May 2, 2011
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Utica. MI
what brand did you get? and how much was it? i dont plan on getting it until winter time, but id like to have it before then, just to make sure ill have one.


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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I have the power sun. I got mine on eBay. I always surf the net first to see who has the lowest price, that's what I buy. The eBay one was around $35.00
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