Recent content by SinLA

  1. SinLA

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    again, strongly recommend you read here for info:
  2. SinLA

    Can Desert Tortoise eggs incubate and hatch in a backyard nest?

    Welp, I am in the opposite camp from Tom on a lot of what he says. If they eggs are newly laid, there is not a sentient creature inside that would feel pain if you prevented the eggs from hatching. The worst thing would be to allow them to develop to where they DO reach that stage and then have...
  3. SinLA

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    @Tom or @Yvonne G can probably speak to that. I know I see Bearie rescues use Repashey but I haven't heard of anyone using it for tortoises. What kind of foods are you giving and what is your light situation? Or are you outside?
  4. SinLA

    It Should Never Get This Bad

    Sadly Bubbles has passed away: (starting around the 7.30 minute mark)
  5. SinLA

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    Can you clarify what you are calling a "proper enclosure" and "diet he needs"? Only because we get many many people here who say that, but then are just having them in a 2 x 3 "tortoise house" from amazon (much much too small" and feeding them romain and carrots.
  6. SinLA

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    It sounds like he is a "new to you" tortoise, correct? honestly he does look pretty pudgy to me. What is the size of the enclosure you are going to have him in? He needs a LOT of space to bea ble to walk around, like 4' x 8'. He likely got the way he is by not having enough room to walk around...
  7. SinLA

    Advice on my outdoor enclosure setup

    What a great setup! I recommend hibiscus and ice plants as options...
  8. SinLA

    Miles, Rescue mutt at Westminster dog show!

    Here you go... FYI I did agility classes with both my dogs after I got them. Sylvester in particular enjoyed it, but when he got tired he just "stopped" and lay down on the course, lol
  9. SinLA

    Free Sulcatas Tortoise

    Yes, but as mentioned this is not Reddit. So because you gave no info and are a new member the warning was given, that’s all… FYI even people that give lots of details can be scammers they are everywhere. The warning was to get best home for the tortoise first and foremost
  10. SinLA

    Free Sulcatas Tortoise

    It’s not. We get scammers here and anytime someone offers to take a tortoise without history on the site we do a “buyer beware” as a courtesy. This isn’t Reddit. It you are not a flipper then you have nothing to fear with the OP investigating your situation to make sure it’s right for them and...
  11. SinLA

    What on earth happened to this baby redfoot?!?

    Something doesn’t make sense. How long had it been since you last saw them before that photo? EITHER something did that fast, which can only be a predator or a horrific accident l can’t even fathom what with, or something slow like bugs or desiccation. I’m sorry for your loss how long did you...
  12. SinLA

    Bearded Dragon Advice

    @Tom I thought they needed to be kept solo like tortoises. Do you keep them together?
  13. SinLA

    Setting up for a Russian Tortoise - Constructive comments welcome

    Looks like a good eater, who does not like mazuri, lol...
  14. SinLA

    Looking to Adopt a Hermann's or Russian Central Kentucky

    I think you saw this post already: by @kate :) I mean there is one on CL right now that needs a home...
  15. SinLA

    Desert Tort sleeping outside of burrow

    Yes, that's the problem is what looks like bullying in tortoises looks like positive behavior in mammals and people often miss it