adopting another tortoise


New Member
Jan 21, 2014
I've had a russian tortoise for about a year and a half and I'm thinking about adopting another. I have a female tortoise in a three by 4 foot cage. we also have another enclosure. I was wondering if it would be ok if I got another female Russian tortoise from a breeder. ImageUploadedByTortForum1390357711.014052.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1390357650.495542.jpg
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T33's Torts

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First off, that 2nd enclosure isn't big enough.
Secondly, two russians are fine if they're separated.
Third, i don't see a hide for the first cage, is there one that the wall is concealing?


New Member
Jan 21, 2014
babushka8 said:
I've had a russian tortoise for about a year and a half and I'm thinking about adopting another. I have a female tortoise in a three by 4 foot cage. we also have another enclosure. I was wondering if it would be ok if I got another female Russian tortoise from a breeder.

yes there usually is it was just moved in this picture


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How fun getting another tortoise :) It is good that you will keep them in separate enclosures! Good planning as you don't want to worry about fighting or getting your current tortoise sick. If I was in your shoes and planning for a second tortoise I would build a double decker. One enclosure on top of another. You can google search double decker tortoise enclosures on the web and the forum for some ideas. You could make the enclosure a nice size and take advantage of the space as it will be in a double decker fashion. It makes life so easy as you can use the same outlet for your lights etc. The 40 gallon breeder you could easily sell if you end up not using it. It is great for other types of reptiles , baby torts, but not really an adult. They love space and with a double decker you can save on wood etc. by having the enclosures share the legs and make it a nice size they will not outgrow.Just an idea. It is exciting getting a new tortoise. Keep us posted on what your new tortoises name, and of course pictures :) How fun!


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Never hesitate to rescue a tortoise in need.

However, if you get a hatchling Russian (from a breeder), you won't know for several years if it is a female or male. Also, with the size difference, you would want to separate them to protect the hatchling.
The sex of an older tortoise can be determined, two female Russians might get along. Of course you would want to quarantine the new one for 3-6 months in a separate enclosure, to protect your current tortoise.

Two female Russians who get along would need at least a 6'x2' enclosure, if not bigger.
You might want to enjoy the one you have and double her enclosure size! :)