Urgent!! Sick turtle!!.


New Member
May 22, 2023
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Hello! I need some help, I don't post you a lot, just want some guidance to make sure I'm not breaking the rules.

My wife and I rescued a Malaysian box turtle recently, . Baby I'd be a pair of supposedly 47 years old and she's not in the best of shape. As we've been slowly nursing her back to health we've noticed her having trouble passing stools and eating less and less, and as we got a little closer, it looks like there's some kind of obstruction. We tried to get help from our local exotic pet vet, and it won't be cheap. Does anyone have any ideas or anyone familiar with an issue like this? We've tried lubricating from both ends, pretty much anything we could find online and it's looking more and more like we'll have to go surgical route. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to make this work, I'm all ears. Got to save this girl. You can DM me or reach me on my cell 509-408-0094.


New Member
May 22, 2023
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Yup, done that. She's straining and it's so hard to watch. She's such a sweetheart. I'm in Washington State, does anyone know if any organizations around that be able to help ? My wife and are prepared to spend our last dime and the vetw office said they'll waive some of it, but I thought maybe there was a state wide something or other.


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5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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How is she doing? Have you been soaking her in warm water?


New Member
May 22, 2023
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You guys thank you so much for checking in. No hyperbole, I've literally only slept about 6 hours of consistent sleep the last couple days, taking turns with the wife getting up to check on her regularly. Things seemed to start looking up a few days ago as she appeared to have a couple bowel movements (although we couldn't attest much to the size, shape or consistency as she's mostly aquatic), but since then it's been more straining and less eating, so I'm using mineral oil, did some milk of magnesia, found some mixtures online, tried massaging lower plastron as I heard that can help stimulate, but at this point I think it's out of my hands.
Even with the local vet being more than gracious with our other rescues, our last visit still wiped out our CareCredit and most of our savings.

Don't worry though, we are way too soft to let her go, and I have already fallen in love with that sweet face of hers. So we're taking her in for an oncall visit first thing tomorrow. If i gotta hock my guitars and drums for a while, I can live with that. I can't live with dead turtles tho. Hell, I maintain my little autistic childhood self's first and deepest trauma was Discovery Channel footage about baby sea turtles migration. Forget Bambi's mom. It's all about baby turtles v. nature. That's traumatic.

you guys are so cool though. I'm so glad I found this community. I promise to keep you posted, please cross your fingers we can make this happen!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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What is she eating, how much and how often? Do you know a product called Benebac, or Nutribac? If you can get either of those, it can only be good for her. Are you giving her long warm soaks every day? Are the temperatures in her enclosure correct? What substrate is she on in the enclosure? Can you please post some pictures of her and the enclosure?

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