If the Gallery Ain't Working


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5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
It has a very little bit of Mazuri in it, but it is actually mainly a mix of timothy and orchard pellets.

I've been experimenting with it for the last two weeks or so. Trying to see if I like working with it, if they're will eat it, etc...

Frank and his brother gobble it up. My little sulcata picks at it, and my russian acts like somebody poured poison all over his food the couple of times I mixed some in his food.

Gahaha! I wondered if my Russian was just picky, but I think it's a character trait for Russians. :p


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
That makes me happy. Torts can be so stubborn! Ginger went almost a week refusing to eat any mixed veggies, which she used to eat all of the time!! Now she wants only freshly sliced veggies, nothing like a spring mix.:mad:


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Frank and his brother gobble it up. My little sulcata picks at it, and my russian acts like somebody poured poison all over his food the couple of times I mixed some in his food.
That makes me happy. Torts can be so stubborn! Ginger went almost a week refusing to eat any mixed veggies, which she used to eat all of the time!! Now she wants only freshly sliced veggies, nothing like a spring mix.:mad:
That is definitely a Russian!! :D


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
I shared this one in my red foot thread the other day, but I'll share it here too. I was trying to shoot a photo of my red foot for her update thread but my assistant tortoise keeper insisted on climbing into the photo with her.

The problem with flash is it is often WAY too harsh and WAY too directional, and for portraiture bare flashes are rarely the best way to light a subject.

Umbrellas, soft boxes, and similar items are diffusers that soften the light and in effect soften those shadows.

(Bounce Umbrellas also exist, and are slightly different than Shoot-Through Umbrellas, but I tend to only go that route when I want to throw light EVERYWHERE.)

When you are ready to take the next leap and start purchasing off camera lighting equipment I will always be more than happy to give advice here where it is at least slightly on topic or private message.

@saginawhxc , I decided I don't want to get the umbrella after all because I never really do studio pictures. It's usually out somewhere where I don't have time to set up a lot of equipment. I wondered if you have had any experience with these types of flash diffusers? Do they work well? They are very cheap!



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
@saginawhxc , I decided I don't want to get the umbrella after all because I never really do studio pictures. It's usually out somewhere where I don't have time to set up a lot of equipment. I wondered if you have had any experience with these types of flash diffusers? Do they work well? They are very cheap!
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And I'm super excited about these lenses. I'm saving up for them!!! I REALLY want the infrared.

upload_2017-3-9_17-45-49.pngWHAT IT DOES…upload_2017-3-9_17-46-1.png


And of course... a fish-eye lens!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Saginaw, Michigan, USA
I haven't used those diffusers, but there is something similar that pops over a speedlight, and I would almost never use direct flash without some sort of diffuser. For what you are looking for I think they will do the job.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
I haven't used those diffusers, but there is something similar that pops over a speedlight, and I would almost never use direct flash without some sort of diffuser. For what you are looking for I think they will do the job.

Sweet!! I will definitely have to get them! All my pictures with the flash look just awful because the "subjects" get all shiny and blinded in the process. I also want to create a warmer look, which I believe the yellow will do. As soon as I get it, I will post pictures of the difference.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
Do you have an infrared lens? Please feel free to share any of your pictures! I'm looking for inspiration everywhere. (But I won't steal your ideas!!);)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
@saginawhxc , look what I found at a yard sale!!! I got it for $6 and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it does. It helps with zooming at far distances, it can cause vignetted edges when it is zoomed(is that really how you spell "vin-yet"?), and it seems to have a very slight fish-eye. The man who sold it to me seemed to think he was giving me a great deal, but I'm thinking I should have bargained... lenscamera 002.JPG lenscamera 001.JPG


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Saginaw, Michigan, USA
For $6 it's hard to go wrong. I think they typically sell anywhere from $10-20. I haven't used them, so I don't know a ton about them.

Is this a two piece lens? If it is, I think you can use them separately. One gives macro ability and one roughly doubles the field of vision. I think you can typically use them together or separate.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
For $6 it's hard to go wrong. I think they typically sell anywhere from $10-20. I haven't used them, so I don't know a ton about them.

Is this a two piece lens? If it is, I think you can use them separately. One gives macro ability and one roughly doubles the field of vision. I think you can typically use them together or separate.

Man, I'm dumb sometimes. It did come apart!!! It was stuck really tight. I guess technically it's got three pieces because I have the ultraviolet one too, but that one just protects the lens. I'm going to have to play around with it to see what I get! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
Hey guys... you know that calendar I made a while ago? Well, it just wasn't enough. I had to have Ginger on my backpack too. :D I had the backpack made for me by a company called "Zazzle" online. The front is interchangeable if I want to make more! Now I just need a phone case of Ginger, a laptop cover, a pillow case... ;)mebackpack 021.JPG