Recent content by dzzxmm1919

  1. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Hello tortoise lovers! Strongie has recovered and had her feeding tube removed this Monday! Here is the last photo she and her tube: And here is the photo she and her favorite duck toy: Her wound was sealed by medical glue. The vet said we can soak her after 4-6 weeks once her wound is fully...
  2. dzzxmm1919

    Redfoot weird white mucous stool

    Hello Maro, Thank you for the link- I'm not sure if the white stool is urate because it doesn't feel like creamy, it feels like boiled egg white somehow whippy and covered by clear mucous. I'm guessing it might be intestinal mucosa?
  3. dzzxmm1919

    Redfoot weird white mucous stool

    Hello tortoise lovers! I just found my 2 yr old redfoot pooped weird white-yellow mucous thingy on his substrate. Here is the photo of it- He refuse to eat for a month, so I syringe feed him every day of 0.5ml critical care. I also soak him every day to keep him hydrated. I use CHE and MVB...
  4. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Hello Tortoise Lovers 🖖🏻 Seems like Thursdays are our lucky day- Strongie poooooooooooopped!!! 😆😆😆😆😆 Since she still has stomach tube implanted, I cannot soak her as usual, this morning I just flush her cloaca by warm water for about 5 minutes and then let her roamed around. And then this...
  5. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    4/9 update: Strongie can roam around! 😆 This morning she ate 3 thumbnail sized pieces of cucumber and a palm sized turnip green leaf. When I checked on her just now, she was climbing water dish and then sitting on substrate plate (for fun?) She is more active than Thursday. Still no poop...
  6. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Hello tortoise lovers! Here's a quick update about our bravest tortie Strongie: she's awake today!!!!!! Her eyes are opened, and taking her first bite of romaine lettuce 😭😭😭my husband sent me a video she was chewing the leaf and I'm literally crying 😭😭😭 I suppose this is a good sign she is...
  7. dzzxmm1919

    2yr old Redfoot not eating for more than 10 days Please help!

    Respiratory infection and gastroenteritis. She's under antibiotic treatment 😔
  8. dzzxmm1919

    2yr old Redfoot not eating for more than 10 days Please help!

    Hello Tom- they were in a same chamber but separated rooms: the right section is for RF, he won't meet leopard tortoises.
  9. dzzxmm1919

    2yr old Redfoot not eating for more than 10 days Please help!

    Thank you Jamie for your reply! I'll try strawberry this weekend. Today I gave him purple cabbage, mango and sweet yellow pepper. My husband told me the tort did not take a bite so far. What I am really concerned about is he stopped eating in his old enclosure already for a week. I'll...
  10. dzzxmm1919

    2yr old Redfoot not eating for more than 10 days Please help!

    Hello tortoise lovers. Here is another thread about my redfoot tortoise: he has been not eating anything for more than 10 days, meanwhile, no poop at all. Here are some photos of his enclosure down below: We built this new enclosure on April 2 because his old enclosure might be contaminate by...
  11. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Right, we have 2 leopard tortoises and 1 redfoot. Those 2 LPs were keeping together for past two years, and they were doing completely fine. The RF was bought from a reptile show last August 2021, however we don't know the original source of those reptiles. We have learned a lot from this...
  12. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Thank you 🙏🏻Strongie was the strongest one among the herd. That's why I'm so shocked to see her sudden sick. We just needled her the first dose of antibiotic and gave her critical care solution. She was so mad and pulled her limbs back so hard. Hope those meds work for her. I'm totally...
  13. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Here is a photo what she looks like- with a sleepy but grumpy face
  14. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Hello tortoise lovers, here is a quick update about our brave tortoie Strongie. We just picked her up from the clinic, she has placed a stomach tube, not completely wake up from sedation but she retracts front limbs if I gently poke her nails. Based on the blood test, her volume of white blood...
  15. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    She took her last bite 3-23, and then she refused any food we have offered, closed eyes all day, and barely move. Based on her X-ray photo, she has severe intestinal gas built up, possibly with some weed barrier she chewed. My biggest concern is that how can we release the gas for her, enema...