Recent content by Rae.Shell.239

  1. Rae.Shell.239


    It’s actually not a hibiscus. I forget what the plant is called, but it’s the flower from a succulent that I found out was food-safe for them :3 it blooms A LOT every summer without fail
  2. Rae.Shell.239

    New to the Forum~

    Aw~ Thanks so much! I feel so welcomed to this site already and I've only been here a day! This is great~
  3. Rae.Shell.239

    Desert Tortoise Question:

    I have a question regarding one of my tortoises. He's got bright, yellow-ish green eyes. None of my other tortoises have similar eyes colors. Their eyes are all black, except one who has very, very, very dark green eyes. When I search for tortoises with that eye color online, I don't get any...
  4. Rae.Shell.239


    fair warning that they all still had a bit of dried mud on them when I was taking these pictures xD they each got a bath after these were taken
  5. Rae.Shell.239

    New to the Forum~

    *Name is Rachel from Southern California. I have six tortoises that are currently being raised by my grandfather, all children of the desert. I absolutely love tortoises, and I love learning about them. I hope to raise a Sulcata and an Aldabra when I move out and have the yard space to care...