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  1. KaylaSmith

    New owner help

    Okay great to know! I think I will just try them out for a few hours at a time in the outdoor enclosure when it gets warm and see if it's really bullying or they just want some space. I would love to not have to divide up the enclosure! It's funny though because he told me the smaller light...
  2. KaylaSmith

    New owner help

    We've added a few more plants and a little "house" with a pile of leaves to one corner since these photos but like I mentioned earlier it's cooler than usual right now so I'm keeping them just in rubbermaid totes separated as temporary housing.
  3. KaylaSmith

    New owner help

    Darn.. I had thought you could keep multiples and since he had said they were together in a 40 gal tank you do not think they could co-exist together in the outdoor enclosure being 8ft long? I suppose I could split it in two or try to rehome one, I wasn't looking to get two turtles anyways I...
  4. KaylaSmith

    New owner help

    So the smaller light colored shell is an eastern? They both have three toe claws on the back feet so I was confused on what classified a three toed hehe.
  5. KaylaSmith

    New owner help

    I recently rescued what I was told was a male eastern box turtle & female three toed box turtle. I was told one is 2 years old and the other 5. It appears to me they are both female three toeds? I was also told they were kept together in a 40gal tank. Well you may have seen in my other thread I...
  6. KaylaSmith

    Outdoor enclosure complete!

    Right now it is kind of up on top of the rocks a little bit, thanks for the suggestion! I wasn't really sure I just had heard from here and other sources to put rocks all around it to help keep their claws in good condition by climbing over them to it. My husband wanted to dig it into the dirt a...
  7. KaylaSmith

    Can you guess what this is?

    Wow!! Looks great!!
  8. KaylaSmith

    Outdoor enclosure complete!

    Photos of the process :)
  9. KaylaSmith

    Outdoor enclosure complete!

    Can't wait to get its new inhabitants! :) Still debating on a lid.. We live in town and have a fenced in yard. Only critters ever in the yard are squirrels and birds here! So thinking we could get by without one. Still going to add a few more plants & a little "house" will go in the corner when...
  10. KaylaSmith

    Can you guess what this is?

  11. KaylaSmith

    Got a little egg on your face

    Too sweet!!
  12. KaylaSmith

    Searching for the perfect boxie!

    Searching for the perfect boxie!
  13. KaylaSmith

    Eastern, Ornate, or Three Toed Box Turtles

    I would be very interested in either or, but I would rather only have one if you are willing to separate them. Have a personal fondness for Easterns though. :-) Have either of them hibernated outdoors before? I live in Southern Iowa and am currently building an outdoor enclosure in hopes of...
  14. KaylaSmith

    made a batch of healthy food

    That is such a great idea to make ahead and freeze! Such a cutie you have there too! :-)
  15. KaylaSmith

    Eastern Box Turtle Enclosure in Iowa

    Thank you for your information! My goal is to ideally create the safest and most enjoyable habitat that is also natural for the turtle. That is why I would prefer to have him/her hibernate naturally inside the enclosure, although I am not completely turned off by the idea of using a mini fridge...
  16. KaylaSmith

    Month of Excitement! (Up from the long nap)

    Eric thank you so much for that information! I so appreciate your help! I guess I did not look into much about the legal matter of owning a captive bred ETB! I am finding it out quickly now though. My concern is jus wanting to create a natural environment for the turtle, would a 3 toed or Ornate...
  17. KaylaSmith

    Month of Excitement! (Up from the long nap)

    Eric! I live in East Central Iowa and am wanting to get an eastern box turtle. I think I had decided on getting a hatchling to "bond" with and I planned on keeping it indoors for the first year while it's so tiny. However next spring/summer I would love to move it to an awesome outdoor...
  18. KaylaSmith

    Eastern Box Turtle Enclosure in Iowa

    Hello all! I do not have an adorable Eastern just yet! I am wanting to own one however just want more information. I would like to get a hatchling to "bond" with and plan on keeping him/her indoors for the first year. However for next year I would love to have an outdoor enclosure. I would like...