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  1. ticothetort2

    2010 South African Leopard Thread.

    thanks Yvonne, yeah the SoCal sun drys it up so fast and it seems to help out a bit.
  2. ticothetort2

    2010 South African Leopard Thread.

    Here's a few more shots...
  3. ticothetort2

    2010 South African Leopard Thread.

    Haven't posted in ages but found my way back to the site. Here are few shots of Tico who is from Tom's 2010 batch of GPP's. He has been doing great and loving living outdoors all year long now.
  4. ticothetort2

    New Indoor Winter Enclosure For the grand kids-Torts

    Looks really good, like all the greenery.
  5. ticothetort2


    WOW!!! What a big hoss!! He's a great looking tort.
  6. ticothetort2

    Palstron shots and couple randoms...

    I've been horrible keeping records lately and slacking on getting a new scale. I'm guessing he's between 1500-2000 grams and between 7.5-8 inches.[hr] Hahaha, I'm sure Tico would love to come and hang w/ the gang! I always told you Tom if something ever happens and he needs a new home you...
  7. ticothetort2

    GPP already starting to show differences in sexes

    I can never really tell but I've always felt like Tico was a dude. He looked a lot the second tort at that age. I've never seen him flash either though.
  8. ticothetort2

    Graduation Day

    She looks great. I think I will wait one more winter before I build Tico a permanent outdoor enclosure. Got to do some research before that happens.
  9. ticothetort2

    What does your baby leopard do while soaking?

    Tico would poop every soaking as a baby but now he might every third soaking. He will also submerge his head and drink for quite awhile. Then he usually just sprawls out till I take him out.
  10. ticothetort2

    Palstron shots and couple randoms...

    Here's a few of Tico's Palstron and before his soak after a day in the SoCal sun. You can see he had a growth spurt over the last month, look at that new growth in the last pic! Thanks for looking.
  11. ticothetort2

    Terrible Two's!! (not really)

    Thanks everyone! He has really been a joy to watch grow and see his personality develop over the last 2 years.[hr] I don't have a working scale right now, but his SCL is at 7.5". He is definetly growing fast! [hr] Thanks Tom, yeah this one was built out of scrapes from another...
  12. ticothetort2

    Terrible Two's!! (not really)

    Been out in the middle of the ocean the last few months so haven't updated in awhile. Thought I would share a couple quick shots of Tico. He is two this month and doing great. Eats like a pig and is steady growing. I will do a more formal update w/ weight and SCL when I get a new scale...
  13. ticothetort2

    Testing new GoPro in Tico's outdoor enclosure.

    Tico romping around outside and checking out the new GoPro camera...
  14. ticothetort2

    Few shots of Tico in his enclosure

    Sorry been really busy, thanks everyone for the comments! His enclosure is coming along, I think we have it just the way we want it now.[hr] Last time I weighed him about 2 weeks ago we was at 900 grams and I'd say he is somewhere around 6 inches SCL.[hr] Thanks Joy, yeah it's been...
  15. ticothetort2

    Few shots of Tico in his enclosure

    Took a couple shots of Tico after I soaked him today. He got to spend all day outside today. Thanks for looking...
  16. ticothetort2

    2010 South African Leopard Thread.

    BUMP... Here is Tico as of today 22MAR2012 Thanks for looking...
  17. ticothetort2

    Where in your home are your torts? (pictures)

    Tico is in our living room in his critter condo when he is not outside. And this is his outside pen. Not a full shot, I'll have to get an updated pic.
  18. ticothetort2

    Show us your Leopards!

    RE: Lets see your Leopards! Here's my only leo...
  19. ticothetort2

    not quite ready yet...

    Wow, that is some great growth!!! He's a beast! They both look great.
  20. ticothetort2

    Tico Update Pics (taken 28NOV2011)

    Thanks Tom, I do check out his palstron quite often. I will take pics and share them when I get a chance. I see that the number of your GPP's went up to 19, you growing the colony or are those some of this years sale babies?[hr] I have a busy week ahead of me with work but I will try to do...