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  1. mitchellr

    Should female Radiated Tort lay eggs without males?

    Hi everyone! It's been awhile since i last posted anything here. Good to be back! My adult radiated tortoise (presumably female) 34cm (13,5") is mature enough to lay eggs, i dont have any males yet, my question is: shouldn't she be laying eggs even without males around? infertile eggs, just...
  2. mitchellr

    Share Your Best Turtle/Tortoise Close-Up Shots!!

    Cuora Galbinifrons saying Hi to everyone in TFO! Follow my Instagram @radiatatort
  3. mitchellr

    One week old vs. one year old...

    Great accomplishment
  4. mitchellr

    Greetings from Jakarta

    Hi bro salam dari Jakarta juga!
  5. mitchellr

    my radiata eats mazuri pellets only. refuse eat other food

    This is a cherry head tortoise. They require little bit of protein in their diets. But not so for radiated tortoises
  6. mitchellr

    Platynota behavior

    Mine is dead. So better be aware of your tortoise's passiveness. I believe mine got infected with virus.
  7. mitchellr

    my radiata eats mazuri pellets only. refuse eat other food

    Dont give turtle pellets. They are high in protein in general.
  8. mitchellr

    Cuora galbinifrons

    Thanks everyone!!
  9. mitchellr

    My new rad....

    Trust me your R is beyond nice already. Very high domed and relatively nice bandings too.
  10. mitchellr

    My new rad....

    It is normal john. Adult rad may not have bandings at all
  11. mitchellr

    Huge accomplishment!

    Can you post the parents photo?
  12. mitchellr

    Cuora galbinifrons

    Settling in very nicely, not so shy anymore Enjoying his pond
  13. mitchellr

    Huge accomplishment!

    Very very nice
  14. mitchellr

    My radiates

    Very nice
  15. mitchellr

    just share some of my tort

    Eh kokoh tio exist juga disini hahahaa
  16. mitchellr

    1 year growth

    Yes. He was 250gr+ now he is 600gr
  17. mitchellr

    Radiateds of Madagascar

    It's not asian people, it's restricted to chinese people who believe in folklore that rhino's tusk, tiger bone, Cuora's body part, manta's gills are beneficial for health when in fact no medicinal benefits are found in them. Ynip are considered bringing luck? Lol You definitely are lucky if you...