LOVE it! She did a great job. I'm always too nervous to trust apprentices. :/
And THANK YOU for the link! I think I just found everything for my Xmas wishlist. ;)
I have lots of intermittent hobbies, usually when money and time permit. Sewing, rock concerts, any type of DIY project, cooking/canning/baking/grilling, gardening, camping. I'm a HUGE HUGE Halloween nut, which explains my absence of late... ONLY 40 more days til our party. ;)
Yeah, soak her longer and give her a big enough container that she can walk around in. The movement should hopefully break it loose. It probably isn't going to hurt her, but doesn't hurt to clean it out. Maybe a Q-Tip?
I see males here for more like $200, females for maybe $500.
They'd have to be charging $100 a hatchling to back your money back on them. They go here for around $40-$50.
Dave, some people get cash assistance as well as EBT. I wonder if that's what they were referring too? But I don't know how it works. I didn't think you were able to withdraw cash, you had to use the card.
No, your torts absolutely need sunlight. As long as you are consistent in your routine, they will adjust. If you have just gotten them, a week or two of complete hands-off, even if it means no sun, will not hurt them and give them a chance to adjust. Then you can start your indoor/outdoor...
Oh my goodness Maggie. King Robert is hilarious. Sorry this happened whole you're not feeling good though. :(
Maybe he thought that maid was not doing well enough at her cleaning duties and was trying to help? Summer cleaning? I hear flood-cleaning is all the rage these days. ;D
Debit/Cash always. We have one active credit card, though never use it. Once we're better off financially, I'd really like to look into the cash back/rewards program that many credit cards do, but wont even look until I'm absolutely certain that we'll use it wisely.
Angela, there's no reason to apologize. I understand that you thought I was pointing you out, and got what you thought I deserved. We agree on many points. EBT and assistance is a touchy subject. I get denied, while supporting 3 other adults who would literally be living on the streets, while...
Angela, I'm sorry if you felt my response was aimed at you. It was not and I didn't mean for it to seem that way. I read back through and realized you had talked about ding dongs. I should have used a different example.
There are many many people who use the program properly. They qualify...
Well, I had a very strongly worded response to this, but I decided not to post it. Apparently, I lean a different way then most posting here.
Suffice it to say that NO, I do NOT think the hard-working middle class should be forced to pay taxes to support programs that allow people to eat...
I agree, iPads are a completely different beast and price range.
I, too, have a Kindle and love it. The battery lasts me months, it's light, easy to tote and read, and fairly inexpensive. I've looked at the Nooks and the multi-functionality intrigues me, but I also have an Android phone, so do...