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  1. mmags

    URGENT ADVICE Hermanns tortoise left out in cold shallow WATER, waking up but slow moving?

    Thanks for the response! I haven’t soaked him yet because he was in that water for so long so I wasn’t sure, I’m hoping he’s gonna be fine he finished eating but now went in his dome
  2. mmags

    URGENT ADVICE Hermanns tortoise left out in cold shallow WATER, waking up but slow moving?

    Temecula! I was so worried because it got pretty cold last night AND he was in the shallow water. Thanks for the advice, I’ll continue to keep an eye on him. He ate a little less than usual and now he’s going in his dome to sleep which I hope is fine. And 100% 😭 I’m gonna start doing the visual...
  3. mmags

    URGENT ADVICE Hermanns tortoise left out in cold shallow WATER, waking up but slow moving?

    Update: Hes a little more awake now and is currently eating. I’d say he’s still a little slower moving than usual but I’m going to keep an eye on him. Also, since he was in the shallow water I believe overnight, his skin when I first took him out was very soft, his shell still felt hard. His...
  4. mmags

    URGENT ADVICE Hermanns tortoise left out in cold shallow WATER, waking up but slow moving?

    Hi, I currently live at home and have my 3 year old Hermanns. When I’m not home my mom likes to try to take him outside even though I’ve asked not to unless someone is going to keep a close eye on him while he’s out. Long story short I came home and assumed my tortoise was sleeping in his dome...
  5. mmags

    Bottom of shell look normal for 1 year old tortoise?

    Humphrey is a little bit over a year old; from as far as I can remember the bottom of his shell has always looked like this but is this normal?? I feel like it looks a little sunken in, his shell doesn’t feel soft at all either it feels normal and hard
  6. mmags

    Reptisafe good for soaks and misting?

    Hi everyone, I've heard mixed things about using Reptisafe for tortoises. Is it safe to use for tortoise soaks since they drink the water sometimes? And is it also safe to use with water used for misting the enclosure? Thanks :)
  7. mmags

    10 month old Hermann’s sleeps/hides in outdoor enclosure during the day?

    Hi everyone, Humphrey has an indoor and an outdoor enclosure, for the majority of time he is indoors because he sleeps inside overnight. Now that it’s getting warmer I’ve been trying to leave him in his outdoor enclosure during the day but when he’s out there, he’ll eat and then he’ll go burrow...
  8. mmags

    Where to buy edible plants for Hermann’s tortoise? Armstrongs?

    Haha I love Armstrongs too I was so happy to find out they grow organically! I will try it out but switch out the soil just to be safe
  9. mmags

    Where to buy edible plants for Hermann’s tortoise? Armstrongs?

    Hii, so I’ve been wanting to buy some plants for Humphrey’s enclosure but I just haven’t been able to find a place where I’m 100% sure that it’s safe for my tortoise in case he eats it. I recently found out that Armstrongs Garden Centers grow plants 100% organically, but it does say on their...
  10. mmags

    Best soil/dirt for Hermann’s outdoor enclosure?

    Hi everyone, Humphrey’s an 8 month old Hermann’s tort so he’s still really small, I want him to start playing outside more in a space where he’ll be safe and won’t get lost. I got him an outdoor playpen and I wanted to fill it with soil or dirt of some sort, I read that plain garden soil with no...
  11. mmags

    Normal tongue color?

    I hope it’s normal ☹️ but yeah we have them growing in our front and back yard! It was a chore to remove them before I got my tortoise ??
  12. mmags

    Normal tongue color?

    ~Repost! ?~ Helloo, Humphrey is about 5 months old, I was just wondering if his tongue in this picture taken today looks is a normal color? From what I think I recall I thought his tongue should be more of a pink. He eats a lot of spring mix and dandelion.
  13. mmags

    Normal tongue color?

    Helloo, Humphrey is about 5 months old, I was just wondering if his tongue in this picture taken today looks is a normal color? From what I think I recall I thought his tongue should be more of a pink. He eats a lot of spring mix and dandelion.
  14. mmags

    Sweetheart Hoya plant safe?

    Hi! I have a sweetheart Hoya plant, I’ve had it for awhile and I’m trying to find some safe nice plants for my baby Hermann’s enclosure. Does anyone know if this plant is safe?
  15. mmags

    Decorative plants?

    Also are golden pothos safe? I’ve heard some say that it’s toxic and others say it’s not. I want to be sure that any plant I put in with my tortoise is safe in case of ingestion
  16. mmags

    Decorative plants?

    Helloo :) I’ve been wanting to decorate my almost 4 month Hermann’s tort’s enclosure, he has everything he needs in there but I’d like to just brighten up his place a bit. I’ve seen a lot of tortoise enclosure’s with little plants and was wondering what are some safe plants that can be used in a...
  17. mmags

    Best time to soak a tortoise?

    Hi! I have a new baby tortoise and I gave him his first soak yesterday. I had his water luke warm as suggested but I had to change the water a few times as it kept getting cold. He soaked for about 15 minutes but he did not poop or have any urate. He just finished his food and now he is basking...
  18. mmags

    What kind of water should be used for soaks?

    Hi! I’m going to give my baby tortoise his first soak today. I know that I should use warm water, but should I use tap or bottled water? Thanks!
  19. mmags

    Baby tort ate a lot- didn’t bask for long, and has been asleep since 7 PM last night?

    Helloo! I’m a new tortoise parent, I have a baby Hermann’s that I just got yesterday! I’m not sure how much he ate earlier in the day before I got him, but once he came home he kept trying to bite on the rocks in his enclosure. I figured he was hungry which he definitely was, so I gave him some...