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  1. robc

    How Cold is To Cold for Desert Tortoise?

    Also, the pot is half underground.
  2. robc

    How Cold is To Cold for Desert Tortoise?

    We cover the opening at night with blankets and a shower curtain in case it rains. We are not sure about hibernation, I don't think he's trying to on his own already.
  3. robc

    How Cold is To Cold for Desert Tortoise?

    It's getting to be about 50 degrees at night here in San Diego, CA. We built him (our Adult desert tortoise) a shelter made of a very large pot set on it's side with dirt and rocks inside. There is some insulation on the top. We are worried he will be to cold at night. Do we need to bring him...
  4. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    It's getting to be about 50 degrees at night here in San Diego, CA. We built him (our Adult desert tortoise) a shelter made of a very large pot set on it's side with dirt and rocks inside. There is some insulation on the top. We are worried he will be to cold at night. Do we need to bring him...
  5. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    Thanks for the info, appreciate it!
  6. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    We got the tort in a rescue. Little is known about him, someone dropped him off with little info. We get information from various sources about caring for him and some say to hibernate. As it gets cooler (here in San Diego), he does not seem quite as active, maybe sleeps more, but he still...
  7. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    We got the tort as a rescue. My wife wanted one. We get information about caring for it from various sources and some say to hibernate. Thanks for the response.
  8. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    We got the tort in a rescue. We get information from various sources and some say to hibernate. Thanks for the response.
  9. robc

    New Desert Tortoise in San Diego

    Hi: My wife and I recently adopted a Desert Tortoise in San Diego, CA. We love him, but have concerns as far hibernation (we are not sure what to do) or how to make a proper shelter. Any tips in these areas would be much appreciated. We think he may be around 50. He mostly eats romaine...