This is my Macy, she has been diagnosed with Mammary carcinoma! We have started treatment, but the success rate isn't good for this type, please send as many prayers and good wishes my way!!! She is only 6 years old n I need more time with her!
Wanted to share Rover's Birthday picture with everyone! I have had him since I was 8 years old! He is my everything! He has been by my side ever since the day I got him! Right there with me through every horrible and wonderful thing that has ever happened to me!
Pretty sure it has to do with North Carolina State University, they are the Tar heels, college football is like a religion down here (I live in south Carolina)
Well my bf just corrected me...its bc of the tar that NC use to make...I always assumed the other lol
Thank you for your input I appreciate everyone's opinions!!
So I did it, I got a hedgehog! Thanks for everyone comments! I look forward to more advice! These are pictures the girl I got him from took. His name is shadow and he is a year old! He is getting settled right now! I have put a...