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  1. E

    Waterproofing tortoise table

    Yeah. I didn't buy enough substrate so he only had 3" , the tiles were 6" high so the substrate didn't protect them too much but by the time I could get more substrate which was only the next week, he had already torn out a lot of the caulking and several of the tiles. I am thinking part of the...
  2. E

    Waterproofing tortoise table

    I used tiles and caulked and did everything like I was told and within a week he was pulling them loose. I don't want to risk wasting even more money and having to replace this table, and poor Finnegan having to have temporary housing again. I have figured out what I will be using. I am...
  3. E

    Waterproofing tortoise table

    My original table we tried linoleum and that just didn't work out he destroyed it. Possibly because we used the tiles but I still don't want to risk him destroying another table. I frequently use cement mixing pans :) But the walls will be 18" high, if he starts to dig I should easily be able to...
  4. E

    Tortoise Table

    We are taking a very different approach this time. this one should be Finnegan proof.
  5. E

    Waterproofing tortoise table

    I really don't trust myself to work with fiberglass Resin unfortunately. And I wouldn't even know where to get it. Temps aren't bad here but its been 90% humidity or above all week.
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    Tortoise Table

    Well that table didn't last long ... within a month he was pulling off tiles. So its back to the drawing board
  7. E

    Waterproofing tortoise table

    I have a tortoise table currently in progress. I would like to waterproof it very well and have the finish be low to no maintenance. I will not use liners... I tried that already and it failed. So I am looking for paint on finished for an indoor table that I won't have to recoat regularly, will...
  8. E

    Tortoise Table

    He doesn't pick just one corner lol, he chooses different ones. I think he chose this one tonight because he was enjoying his basking light. He hasn't really shown any interest in digging. Maybe a very small pit in the corners but not much overall.
  9. E

    Tortoise Table

    He has two hides, a water dish and a food plate :) He chooses to nap in the corner like that, he just likes to. Substrate is only 3" ... I was going for 6 but didn't buy enough substrate. He has everything he needs in his enclosure :) I have a temp gun to check basking temps as well as...
  10. E

    Tortoise Table

    This is my first time building a tortoise table. This one will most likely be temporary, I have plans to go bigger and to build a two level habitat ( One enclosure on top one on the bottom not one habitat with two levels) This enclosure is roughly 2 1/2 ft x 6ft. I know its not pretty, I am...
  11. E

    Sealing bookshelf

    No, this isn't for either of the aquatics. They each have a 40 breeder :) I adopted a 5" adult male russian tortoise. I am working on this bookshelf enclosure ( which I already know I will eventually rebuild) as well as an outdoor daytime enclosure :)
  12. E

    Sealing bookshelf

    I am working on a tortoise table, I have to replace the backing with plywood, I have to sand the laminate then I was thinking of painting it and waterproofing it? My goal is to have it be waterproof above all else. How have people previously waterproofed laminate? And what tape can I use...
  13. E

    land turtles/ tortoises

    I decided not to get a Tortoise for now ... And Still ... I hate that saying.
  14. E

    Indoor Enclosure Size

    Well I did get a pet today at the show. From a well known and reputable breeder. Its not at all like a tortoise but I had been researching for years off and on and found the perfect one. I got a baby leopard gecko, I did want to come home with an adult or an older one but this little one...
  15. E

    My Fuzzy Family :)

    I didn't forget them, They are posted in the turtle section :)
  16. E

    My aquatic Boys

    LOL, Nemo actually bothers to eat them one at a time. And I get small minnows so he has an easier time.
  17. E

    My Fuzzy Family :)

    Ry gets called a girl A LOT, He has a blue collar, blue leash, blue headcollar ( he chokes on harnesses and won't learn to just not pull) I am like what else can I do for you to realize he is male? ( This is in person, you can't tell from pictures)
  18. E

    My Fuzzy Family :)

    Oh that was the flash. Here is a picture of her eye color. Ryli is a male :) We get told he looks like a wirehair jack russell all the time lol. Yes Stella looks very mouse like its partly the angle of the pictures but I promise she is actually a short tailed opossum :)
  19. E

    My aquatic Boys

    You are fine, I should have labeled who was who :) I love my boys they are so different, Nemo is my mass murderer, He will take out a dozen fish in a night if I let him, he will not go in his shell if picked up and he happily kicks and hisses when I do have to handle him, and he hates his...
  20. E

    My aquatic Boys

    Ollie is the first one Nemo is the Second, Nemo is the painted with the bright coloring. I don't really see much coloring on Ollies Sides.