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  1. J

    Tortoise nose seems to be closing up!!

    thank you! Obviously if I need to and get more worried I will take him to a vet as he’s my baby! But yes this is what I was trying to ask as I can’t see how much more a vet can do and if there’s anything I can do to help at home that would be amazing! I will look into the ointment now:) yes I...
  2. J

    Tortoise nose seems to be closing up!!

    I am trying to find a reptile vet in my area but also trying to do what I can at home for him. Joey and Chandler have lived together for 7 years and never had any problems, both boys but always had enough space and food that they don’t bother each other. Thank you for the advice though.
  3. J

    Tortoise nose seems to be closing up!!

    he had just been in the bath before this photo for a good 15 minutes, I try to bath them everyday as they hate a water bowl! Thank you for the spray tip on food, I will definitely try that!
  4. J

    Tortoise nose seems to be closing up!!

    Yes chipped is probably too optimistic but when that happened he wasn’t in my care and when I searched about what to do most people said they can sometimes grow back their beak! I do sit and watch him eat and break up all his food and he’s definitely getting enough food. It’s just the cut above...
  5. J

    Tortoise nose seems to be closing up!!

    Hello, one of my tortoises (horsefield, around 7 years old) has had a cut on his nose for a while now. He was living at my sisters and I think he got the cut from when he was in a wire run outside in the sun, (he’s also chipped his beak doing the same thing climbing up the sides of the wire run...