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  1. J

    Warning about not having proper drainage in outdoor enclourses

    Omg I’m so glad your babies are ok. I live in Oregon, and we get a lot of rain from about oct - April. It’s more gradual than what u r talking about though. I built a tray that goes in spikes enclosure. Framed w wood, and covered w 1/4 inch screen. Then I cover that w hay. It keeps him about and...
  2. J

    It’s been a while!

    Aww thank u so much. ?
  3. J

    It’s been a while!

    Ya I do. I used to give him the regular ones for birds and he would eat those more. I’ve been getting the tort ones w cactus in them, but he never touches them. ??‍♀️ Guess maybe I need to switch back?
  4. J

    It’s been a while!

    Thank u. When I first got him, I didn’t know what I was doing, so he does have some slight pyramiding. Thanks to this site though, I was able to learn quickly about the proper care for him.
  5. J

    It’s been a while!

    Yes he is. ???
  6. J

    It’s been a while!

  7. J

    It’s been a while!

    Thank u so much! That means so much to me. I pride myself on giving him the best care possible. ?
  8. J

    It’s been a while!

    ?? thank u! ???
  9. J

    It’s been a while!

    Hey guys! I don’t think ive posted on here since spike was 2 (2014). I just wanted to touch base with joe spike is doing. He’s now 8 yrs old and is doing great. Took him to the vet today to get his beak trimmed, but spike wouldn’t let the vet do much. He suggested I try feeding him on a paver or...
  10. J

    Gender guess?

    Gender identify... Ok thanks. :)
  11. J

    Gender guess?

    Just wondering if you guys have an educated guess on if spike is male or female. He's only about 1.5 yrs old but just thought it would be fun to see what everyone thought.thanks. :)
  12. J

    Calcium w d3?

    Ok thank you to both of you. This helps a lot. I will start giving it to him about once a week. Once he gets bigger and starts spending Meroe time outside, I will switch to the calcium w out d3. :) thanks for your input.
  13. J

    Calcium w d3?

    Is this calcium ok to give to my sulcata, and if so how often and how much? Thanks in advance for any advice. :)
  14. J

    Gender guess?

    Gender identify... Hey all.. Was just wandering if anyone had a good guess as to whether spike is male or female. Only about 1.5 yrs and weighs 600 grams.. 6 inches long. So prob still to small to tell.. But I was just curious and thought I would ask anyways. Thanks in advance. :)
  15. J

    Abronia graminea:

    Wow very cool.. I actually had to google this because I've never seen one of those b4. Thanks for sharing! Hope u end up w some beautiful babies. :)
  16. J


    This is proof that big can be beautiful lol. :D love the pic!
  17. J

    Can sulcatas eat Job's tears plant?

    O ok awesome response. That's exactly what I wanted to know. Thank u so much. Ya he gets lots of diff grasses from my yard as well as several store bought greens and a little mazuri mixed w his grasses about once a week. I'm constantly exploring new things to feed himso he will get as much...
  18. J

    Can sulcatas eat Job's tears plant?

    Thanks for responding. :)
  19. J

    Can sulcatas eat Job's tears plant?

    I know they are edible.. Just wondering if this is safe to feed to sullys and if so how often?
  20. J

    Can sulcatas eat Job's tears plant?

    Hey just had a quick question about weather or not sulcatas can have Job's tears plant? Also I know the seeds are also edible so would that be something he could have to? Thanks for in advance for any response.:)