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  1. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    A young tortoise not eating

    Hello, I have a young horsefield which I’ve had since January so is about a year old. It won’t eat anything at all I’ve tried fruit, weeds, dried flowers, vegetables and it just doesn’t want them. It is quite cold and lazy so we are trying to get it warmer to see if this makes a difference. I’ve...
  2. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    My tortoise keeps squeaking

    Hey, so this has happened for about a day my young tortoise keeps squeaking and opening it’s mouth I’m abit concerned because it also seems more aggressive then usual
  3. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    Should I wake up my tortoise for soaking

    hey I’ve had mine for 3 weeks! I always get him/her out in the mornings and give it a tummy rub which makes it more awake and I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous but i play “I just can’t wait to be king” from lion king to wake him/her up and it always seems to do the job! Also rubbing its...
  4. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    Travelling with a tortoise

    Your tortoise will be absolutely fine just make sure it has a nice box with some hay in as it will probably sleep the whole way. I would never take my tortoise on a plane but if it’s only in a car it will be fine. There will be no long lasting problems try and keep it dark if you can and keep...
  5. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    Bright light in tortoises eyes is he okay?

    So I just got my tortoise out and it’s quite late where I am I just wanted to check it was okay because it’s only about 4-6months and anyway I had it in my hand but because it’s pitch black I had my phone torch on and my tortoise accidentally looked into it I moved it away straight away it made...
  6. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    Tortoise claw

    Hey so my very young horsefield tortoise seems to have 4 nails on the front of each foot and on the back 4 on one foot and on the foot I’m concerned about on the back it has 2 normal size nails a very short one is this normal? Will my tortoise be okay?
  7. Boleyn_the_horsefield

    My 3 month old horsefield is lonely

    I just got a horsefield tortoise we don’t know the exact age but it’s quite small so 3-5months. We have noticed it just seems lonely and almost like it’s missing it’s brothers and sisters from when we brought it (it lived with about 5 others before we got it. If it would make the tortoise...