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  1. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Update. Skrink has a penis.
  2. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Update: I placed Skrink in a bathtub of warm water for about 1/2 hour and he had 4 massive poops. Maybe he was a bit constipated? I'm going to try that again today rather than soaking him in his smaller tub and see if he has anything else he needs to walk around to pass. Thank you, as always...
  3. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Thank you! That's a funny image hahah! But I will keep it in mind for if Skrink's condition doesn't improve. Yesterday when I bathed him I noticed there was a few little bits of his substrate (coco coir) in the cloaca and there was a bit of clear but slightly-more-viscous-than-water fluid...
  4. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Okay, I will do that. He does, the heat is just like you detailed in your care sheet. He is indoors still, but I am building his summer enclosure in the yard this week in preparation for summer.
  5. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Thank you! I will watch closely. If there does appear to be a blockage, do you have recommendations on how much oil to include with his food? Is there any possibility of oil overdose?
  6. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Thanks for weighing in, I really appreciate it. I don't think I am soaking him enough at all, only 1x a week for the last few weeks. This is probably caused by my neglect, I am assuming. So I'll get him back on his normal schedule. Is it possible my tortoise is a girl? Only 1.5 years old but...
  7. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    Thank you, Yvonne! Sorry for the photo quality, I had to use the front facing camera by holding my tortoise over it. I didn't want to flip him and stress him out. I'll follow your advice. Should I give mineral oil as well?
  8. C

    Swollen cloaca?

    HI EVERYONE! Yesterday evening I noticed my 1.5 year old gopherus agassizii tortoise had a swollen cloaca. I palpated the area and there does not appear to be anything hard stuck inside. He or she is still able to pee as far as I have seen (haven't seen them poop first hand but there are poops...
  9. C

    Weight Gain- How much is too much?

    Thanks, Tom! Hilarious and blunt as always 🤣 As long as there's no danger to having him grow fast, I think I'll keep him healthy 🤣
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    Weight Gain- How much is too much?

    Update: Skrink is now 4.3 inches long and 306 grams. He has gained so much weight, but is healthy and active. I hope he's a desert tortoise and not a bigger breed.
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    Mother found hatchling please advise/ identify

    Kinda looks like a box turtle but I am not too sure
  12. C

    Runny Nose, Possible RI, to vet or not to vet?

    Tiny black gnats that live in humid/moist conditions. Harmless to plants and animals as far as I know.
  13. C

    Runny Nose, Possible RI, to vet or not to vet?

    Hey all! Skrink's mom, back at it again with the worrying. Skrink is about 8 months old now. Since we got him in January he has grown by about one inch in length and 127 grams in weight. He has daily soaks, good food, good temps. For the last 2-3 weeks I have noticed he has a wet nose. Not...
  14. C

    Shell Rot? Plastron Fungus? New parent paranoia???

    That's really interesting to know! I was told he is a gopherus agassizii 😬 I'll love him either way, but size does matter 🤣
  15. C

    Shell Rot? Plastron Fungus? New parent paranoia???

    Hmmm... come to think of it, his basking rock is orange. Maybe it is discoloring the bottom of his shell and is too rough for his plastron... maybe I'll change his basking rock. Thanks! I'll apply some cream immediately.
  16. C

    Shell Rot? Plastron Fungus? New parent paranoia???

    Hello all! Took my baby out for some sunshine earlier and noticed a little bit of his plastron seems to be raised or lifting. It's the same consistency as the rest of the plastron, no smell, it feels just slightly lifted. Could it be rot? Fungus? Nothing at all? While I have your attention...
  17. C

    Weight Gain- How much is too much?

    Good morning, all! Thanks to everyone's help, my baby tort is doing well and just hit the 6 month mark. Much appreciated. My question today is about my tort's weight gain, more specifically how much weight is too much? Below is the measurements I have taken since I got him in January: Jan...
  18. C

    Gopherus agassizii sporadic puffy eyes

    Hi Tom! Thanks for the reply! I took your advice and warmed up the temps at night to around 75 degrees inside his hide. I hope this will help my boy! I will order some food from Kapidolo today and make sure that Skrink eats a better diet and feed him more soaked pellets/leaves/weeds than...
  19. C

    Gopherus agassizii sporadic puffy eyes

    Hello, all! Thank you everyone for helping my baby Skrink with all your advice. I am now having an issue that has me stumped. Skrinks eyes are puffy! But, they are only puffy when they are closed and he is a little bit pulled into his shell. When he is awake, his eyes are flat and normal...