i think i read once that if they are incubated at too high or low (i dont remember which) of a temp that it can cause split scutes .. still a cutie though!!
Do you have a UVB light for them ? That is very important for their development and should be placed about 12 inches from the ground of the cage ( or check the manufacturer directions )
I have a 100 gallon trough that I use and I built a frame out of wood and it has a screen top on most of it and a hinged door on part ( for changing water) and the frame is bolted right into the plastic tub and I padlock it at night . We have horrible "city raccoons " in Chicago and they will...
Ceramic heat emmiter or a heat panel. Neither produce visable light so you can't possibly mess up their sleep! Pro products makes really great panels and they last a LONG time compared to any bulb I have ever used .
Usually it means that they either don't like the way you are holding them , or he doesn't like being held at all. We have an ornate at the wildlife center I work at, and they seem extra cranky lol