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  1. S

    New pictures

    Lovely looking little torts and very nice enclosure.
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    Hermy meets Popcorn!

    Great pic and lovely torts. I recently introduced my 9 yr old hermanns to my 2 and a half year old. They're only together under supervision but seem to get on great! They rub noses and follow each other about! I'm hoping this will continue in the future. :) Be great to see more pics.
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    I have only ever used baytrill for rns - a very young tort arrived with me with it. Baytrill was very effective for that and with absolutely no side effets. Applications were oral. I understand it isn't ordinarily used for e.g. leopards and some other tropical species. I, personally, wouldn't...
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    Hi from Scotland UK

    I'm from a place called Inverness (north east of Scotland). :shy:
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    Hi from Scotland UK

    Yes. sorry! My name is Corra :)
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    updated pics

    Lovely pics & lovely torts. I also feed butternut squash occasionally. Has the added benefit of being a natural wormer. SS:)
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    Hi from Scotland UK

    [hr] Hi Danny;) Thanks! Great site - looking to learn as much as I can! SS
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    Hi from Scotland UK

    [hr] Sorry about the last post! Take a look at this link to see some pics of my wee guys getting their daily bath. I have lots more pics and will post more! SS:shy:
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    Hi from Scotland UK

    Hi there, I live in Scotland, UK and tortoises are my passion.:D I have 2 dalmation hermanns, 2 spur thighed ibera and 1 tunisian spur thighed. I am really pleased to have found this forum; there seems to be lots of info on species of tortoise which are far less commonly kept in the UK so it's...