Actually no, they were very content w/each other... The bigger one is a female, so that may have something to do w/it... If anything, the smaller one would probably had been the more aggressive one (if there was any bulling at all) but they're like 2 peas in a pod :) I actually ended up finding...
Can anyone help? Or does anyone know anyone who may b able to help or point me in the right direction? I had a really good friend who would have been an amazing home for them, but she just found out she's unable to take them, so I really don't know what else to do... Any suggestions? Or maybe a...
I was having the same problem w/mine... They only wanted to eat the earthworms... So I tried a variety of fruits n veggies (with some greens that I snuck in) in the morning, then would offer the earthworms after they ate a good bit of the morning mix.. Mine seem to prefer mushroom, tomatoes...
Hi Jacqui... I've been a member since July of last year n have already done my intro when I joined ;)
Oops, u weren't talking to me, were u lol
Hi!! Yes, I would feel a lot better about meeting u if I knew more about u n where my turtle babies would b relocating... Can u send pics...
Hi guys... I have 2 box turtles (1 female and 1 yearling sex unknown) who were abandoned on my porch about 2 and a half months ago... I wanted to b their forever homes, but I just found out I have to move and I dont have an outdoor enclosure at the new house... I wouldn't be able to build one...
You're right!! We do have the BEST crabs (but I'll let u in on a secret, all we do is steam them in old bay ;) lol SHHHH!!!) I've never actually gone myself, but almost everyone I know has at one time
I could send u some old bay if u wanna try
Oooh the sunshine state... I'm jealous lol... I'm in Baltimore maryland... I love mushrooms too, but idk if I would eat them out of my yard lol, especially around here ;) lol