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  1. TuckerDucker

    Western Painted Turtle

    It's not a super vibrant red, more of a muted orange
  2. TuckerDucker

    Western Painted Turtle

    A few years ago I came to this forum for help with a wild-caught baby painted turtle my coworker gave me. I was never planning on having an aquatic turtle, but she knew I had a tortoise and could take better care of a turtle than she could at the time. Thank you all for your help:) It's really...
  3. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    No, but we did get xrays done. I'm not sure how to interpret xrays, but my vet said it indicated pneumonia
  4. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    In case anyone in the future runs into this issue and is searching the forums: it was suspected pneumonia. He got an antibiotic injection every three days for a week and a half, and his bubbles are gone and his eyes are looking a lot better! I can't remember the antibiotic name, but it was not...
  5. TuckerDucker

    'Air Bubbles' On Tortoise Neck

    My tortoise has the same issue right now. How's your guy doing now? Did you ever figure out what it was?
  6. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    No, they injected it in his leg. The air bubbles were there before the injections
  7. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    He looks good everywhere else and is acting normal, it's just on his neck. Is there anything else I should be looking for? And his regular diet does have vitamin A, so it sounds like you're right that it probably wasn't a vitamin A deficiency
  8. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    I'm not sure, but the vet said it looked like he had a vitamin A deficiency. I think this just puzzled the vet since my tort has been acting normally and eating/drinking and active. I appreciate the reply, we've been soaking him every couple days and moistening the peat moss. that's mixed...
  9. TuckerDucker

    Bubbles on neck

    Does anyone have any thoughts on the bubbles on my redfoot's neck? My exotic vet gave him two vitamin A shots a week apart and said he was good to go, but it's been about a month since then and the bubbles are still here. Is it anything to be worried about?
  10. TuckerDucker

    When can I put my redfoot outside?

    That's a good point. This would be in May, but it'll still be pretty chilly at night then. I have a spare 8 sq ft bin I'll probably use as an indoor overnight stay.
  11. TuckerDucker

    When can I put my redfoot outside?

    I have a 3-year-old redfoot tortoise. He's about 5-6 inches. He's been indoors the entire 3 years. We're making him a new indoor enclosure, but we might move before the enclosure's done. Instead of temporarily reassembling his current enclosure at the new place, I was thinking of putting him...
  12. TuckerDucker


    What's a good filter for a 75 gallon tank that houses an inch and a half turtle? Right now he's in 17 gallons of water, but I'd like to bring it up to 45ish gallons of water in the tank.
  13. TuckerDucker

    Western Painted Turtle Tank

    You all were very helpful when my coworker gave me a turtle neither of us knew anything about. This is the little guy now, he's getting bigger! Any suggestions to the tank are very welcome
  14. TuckerDucker

    How often should I be doing water changes?

    I have a hatchling in a 75 gallon tank with 13ish gallons of water. How often should I be doing water changes? To do a water change, do I just take half of the water out and put new water in?
  15. TuckerDucker

    Red Foot tortoise feeding schedule

    Would this be an acceptable feeding schedule? I have a 1 1/2 year old Red Foot Monday- Fruit and mealworms Tuesday- Collard greens Wednesday- Mustard greens Thursday- Fruit and zucchini Friday- Red leaf lettuce Saturday- Kale Sunday- Commercial pellets
  16. TuckerDucker

    Is this normal?

    Hahaha thank you guys, I was torn between "am I stupid for even asking this" and "but what if it's a sign of something serious??"
  17. TuckerDucker

    Is this normal?

    Is it normal for my turtle's legs to be like this when basking? I've had him a week or so and have never seen him do this It's probably totally normal, I just wanted to check!
  18. TuckerDucker

    Would this tank be alright for my painted turtle?

    Went ahead and got the 75. It also happened to be in a PetCo a lot closer to me than the 55 I was planning on picking up was, thanks for mentioning it!
  19. TuckerDucker

    Would this tank be alright for my painted turtle? Sorry I'm posting all at once, I just got the go-ahead from the state's wild animal rescue/rehab group to keep this baby Western Painted turtle, and I'm trying to buy everything I can for it. I'm not expecting...