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  1. Torq & 14 inch bird bath

    Torq & 14 inch bird bath

    14 inch bird bath and he can still drink from it. He's huge
  2. Who will move first

    Who will move first

    Aurora my over 500 pound pig won't let torq go by.
  3. Robertchrisroph

    Keeping Sulcatas together

    I have 2 sulcatas over 100 pounds. Mine hate each other and I had to build sperate areas. Please be careful, these 2 have a real hate for each other.
  4. Robertchrisroph

    How much and what types of food do I need to feed a 60lb Sulcata tortoise each day?

    If you water it. , it must be removed if not eaten, it will rott and mold. We put pulled off dry all over the property so on their trips around there is always a pile to eat and they eat and eat and eat. Wildlife officer said ours is now over 200 pounds
  5. Robertchrisroph

    Large Adult African sulcate owner would like to connect with other Adult sulcate owners

    Yesterday when he got away lol. Game Warden was called lol. Get the thickest fence.
  6. 20210414_125502.jpg


    King loves mazuri alittle to much
  7. Robertchrisroph

    Comment by 'Robertchrisroph' in media '20201229_133737.jpg'

    They get along fine. Never a problem
  8. 20201229_133737.jpg


    Buddies Sunning together
  9. Torq sharing

    Torq sharing

    Breakfast in mendo
  10. Torq


    Sage tort
  11. Robertchrisroph

    New Enclosure/Keeper Syndrome

    I have no clue if this helps but it did me. When I relocated king to our property he did all this what I did was I took water from original house and used it for his water do the water was the same he was used to. I then went and got his poop and other things put everywere. It seemed to help...
  12. Torq


    Torq eating clover and grass clippings
  13. Robertchrisroph

    Maggie's Sulcatas

    Hi Maggie
  14. Robertchrisroph

    Comment by 'Robertchrisroph' in media 'Huge cuddlebone'

    @Kevn Horton a cuttlebone is for calcium for the tort. It's wonderful if they eat by themselves but if not your scrap it on there food very important for there bones. Can get sick if they don't get their calcium
  15. Robertchrisroph

    Comment by 'Robertchrisroph' in media 'King'

    @Kevn Horton mazuri is tortoise food. Comes in one pound to twenty five pound bags. Sold in our agricultural store. They use in zoos.
  16. Robertchrisroph

    Comment by 'Robertchrisroph' in media 'King'

    @Kevn Horton that would be Mazuri I know it looks like dog food lol. I use both kinds of Muzuri the white thing is his cuddlebone. Thank you