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    Weight Gain

    Thanks, do you have any thoughts on his weight? He’s 654g and shell size 19cm. The temperate seems to be stable, it’s very warm here in the UK at the moment. We use basking lamps and I have 2 different wattages to give him an option. The bulbs include UV-A, UV-B and IR. Over night low is 28 as...
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    Weight Gain

    Humidity is between 45-50%. Temperature is between 28-40 through this enclosure which is a large table. Substrate is a mixture between top soil & sand, straw pellets (which he seems to prefer) and edible bedding. I’ve previously used coco coir substrate but he didn’t seem to like that so...
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    Weight Gain

    I can’t remember the antibiotics unfortunately. The food we are using is EmerAid IC Herbivore.
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    Weight Gain

    He sneezes a lot, but no discharge. I also have the correct humidity and he has a variety of substrate in his enclosure. She diagnosed him via blood tests.
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    Weight Gain

    Yes in the UK and the temperature dropped over Christmas and it was a good few days until it was stable. He’s never been a massive eater so can’t say I noticed his reduced appetite. We were feeding him dried pellets along with fresh food and he always opted for the pellets. the vet said these...
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    Weight Gain

    He was diagnosed with Mycoplasma. Over the Christmas period his temperature dropped and it took a few days to fix. In April we noticed a red line on his shell, took him to the vet where he had bloods taken and a first course of antibiotics. He had a reduced appetite so we went with a feeding...
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    Weight Gain

    The tube was installed to give medication, we did a course of antibiotics via injection but he still didn’t improve so went with the tube. We stopped the antibiotics 2 weeks ago but the vet wanted to give another 2 weeks of reduced tube feeding to try and get his weight up. A male tortoise, 6...
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    Weight Gain

    My Russian Tortoise has been tube fed for the last 7 weeks, however in that time his weight has fluctuated quite a bit and he is only 10g heavier than the first week (currently 654g). I’m confused because we’ve been feeding him twice a day via the tube and he has also been eating on his own. We...
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    Feeding Tube

    My 6-year old Russian has been unwell for a few months and been diagnosed with Mycoplasma. We’ve been going to the vets and trying antibiotics and new foods but he’s still not eating and very lethargic. We’ve decided the best course of action is fitting a feeding tube and this is being done on...
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    I’ve never noticed discharge from his nose but he used to sneeze A LOT! I took him to the vet about it a few years ago and he said nothing to worry about, and the vet this time wasn’t concerned. He isn’t eating and the vet has recommended a feeding tube for a few weeks to help build his...
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    My Russian tortoise has been diagnosed with Mycoplasma. We’re working with the vet, but would someone be able to give me more information about what this means? For background, a few months ago we noticed a red line on his shell so took him to the vet. After blood tests and a round of...