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  1. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    I live in ohio so we are hitting snow season
  2. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    anyone have plans for a good tort table?
  3. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    and no those are not pot leaves they we some plants from petsmart. hahaha
  4. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    here are some pics
  5. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    He is a fully indoor tortoise he had a basking light with dome and is usually 92 degrees at that point and 67-75 degrees on the cool side. His enclosure is shown below. I feed him romaine, green leaf, kale, with TnT powder he also has a 2 foot UVB bulb spanning the enclosure and yes he was 2...
  6. Bobo's Dad

    I am having a major problem

    My tort Bobo is 2 years old. I am having a problem with him barley eating and trying to escape all the time by trying to climb the walls of his plastic container. I work very long hours now and he is in silence for most of the day. I have him in a cement mixing container I bought him a long...
  7. Bobo's Dad

    What sex is Bobo?

    Here are some pics. He did not like that!!!! So boy or girl? [hr] One more. [hr] 2 more Pics attached
  8. Bobo's Dad

    What sex is Bobo?

    is he/she still to young to tell or can you. I am at work as soon as I get home I will take some pics. Darren
  9. Bobo's Dad

    What sex is Bobo?

    My tortoise Bobo is almost a year and a half old. Can I determine the sex yet? If so should I post pics? And what do I need to take pictures of? Thanks Darren
  10. Bobo's Dad

    Its been awhile… Bobo is back!

    Bobo is now 1 year and 4 1/2 months old. He's my little buddy. I am a pastor and I have pictures of him on the walls in my office. People think I am a little weird. Naaaaa…. Check him out!
  11. Bobo's Dad

    Worried about my hatchling

    The power sun is a good product I started with that. Yeah give those drops a try. I haven't heard bad nor good about the shot of vitamins just a preventative my reptile vet decided to use she has 5 russians. Anything I can help with let me know. Darren
  12. Bobo's Dad

    Playing outside

    Man good idea planks of wood. I have to build one. 0.0.1 Baby Bobo Russian
  13. Bobo's Dad

    what speices is my tortoise please

    Looks like a russian. Lot of green on his back! 0.0.1 Baby Bobo Russian
  14. Bobo's Dad

    Some pictures of Albert.

    He's a cool looking dude!
  15. Bobo's Dad

    Is he sick

    They look clear to me.
  16. Bobo's Dad

    R.I.P. Shelly

    Sorry to hear about your loss. There are alot of torts in this world that need a good home.
  17. Bobo's Dad

    Worried about my hatchling

    Also if you are referring to that little raised crease on the top of his shell right by his head that is normal my hatchling has one too and I was told as they grow it goes away. Don't forget grab that UVB light. Don't go to petsmart they are 50 bucks. They have them on for 26 bucks...
  18. Bobo's Dad

    Worried about my hatchling

    Well his eyes do look a little bit puffy which usually means a lack of vitamins. What I would do for that is use your tnt (good non harmful stuff just flowers weeds etc) in a salt shaker start lightly sprinkling his greens and gradually increase he will never notice. Have you taken him to the...
  19. Bobo's Dad

    Bobo is growing!

    Thanks! Im a proud poppa
  20. Bobo's Dad

    Bobo is growing!

    He is now about 2 3/4 across and weighs 3.4 ounces. Eats like a piggy lives dandelions out of the yard and CLOVER! He also gets kale, romaine, red romaine, other assorted greens but since the weather is breaking into spring in Ohio he loves his outdoor salad. I included a few current pictures!