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  1. optycal

    Soaking questions

    Thank you! I appreciate the advice. I'll give that a go and see how it works out for him. Perhaps fewer soaks will help him not be so cranky in Tubby TIme lol
  2. optycal

    Soaking questions

    Dexter, my 2-year-old Western Hermanns, enjoys his soaks every other day. Sometimes, though, he is pretty cranky about being in the water. Should I make him stay in the water for a few minutes or just rescue the poor lad when he throws his hissy fit? He's quite good about eating, drinking...
  3. optycal

    Hello from Dexter!

    Oh goodness, a video is a great idea! I'll see what I can do to get that in order. I haven't done anything on Youtube before. We're in the middle of building and planting his outdoor safe area while our weather is nice. I'll add that in as well!
  4. optycal

    Hello from Dexter!

    Sure! I'll get some more pics together as soon as I have some time =) Some of his other live plants are prayer plant, spider plants, endive, romaine lettuce, clovers, cat grass, and a bunch of dandelions.
  5. optycal

    Hello from Dexter!

    Thank you for your concern, but it's not necessary. That isn't the only sensor in his enclosure. There are 5 more at varying heights in each of his "biomes" of his multi-level, custom enclosure. 4 of the others are digital. The 2 disk-types are my backups in case we lose power or the batteries...
  6. optycal

    Hello from Dexter!

    Hello, I'm Optycal, mom of Dexter the 2-year-old Western Hermann's. I've been cruising this forum for years in preparation for Dexter's arrival. You've all been so important to me and to Dex. I just wanted to say hi and introduce my sweet little man. Because of all the great people here and all...