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  1. sghctoma

    DIY UVB meter experiment

    Hi all! A month ago @Markw84 and me had a conversation about UVB sensors here: As a summary: I am on a quest of finding a UVB sensor that is suitable for our purposes, and build a meter around it. Both the software and...
  2. sghctoma

    Enclosure monitoring and automation using a Raspberry Pi

    I have had my three beautiful pancake tortoises for a little over a week now, and their enclosure is monitored and controlled with a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Python program I wrote. In this post I'm going to describe my setup, so maybe I can help others creating their own enclosure...
  3. sghctoma

    Meet Áfonya, Lift, and Mormota!

    Hey everyone! I've joined the forum one month ago, and had only vague ideas of what kind of tortoise I'd like to keep. Since then, I've decided I'll get pancakes, and as of yesterday I share my home with three of them: Áfonya (Blueberry), Lift, and Mormota (Marmot). The origin of these names...
  4. sghctoma

    Hello all!

    I'm Toma from Hungary. I've always loved reptiles, had two red-eared sliders and a corn snake in the past. I also wanted tortoises as a kid, but did not have enough space and money to keep them. I don't really know what was the trigger, but just a week ago I realized I have the means to keep...