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  1. C


    Waiting for parts.... Im custom doing everything, and I am getting Polycarbonate for the sides and bottom for ease of cleaning, That take awhile to make in the sizes I need.... its going to be 4'x8' to start with 15" walls. I'll try and put pictures up when its done. I also just bought a my...
  2. C


    Both :D I want a Sulcata because it gets big and and lives a really really long time. I mean how cool is it to have a member of the family that my kids, grandchildren and maybe great grandchildren will get to meet? I'm also pretty excited about building my tortoise box...
  3. C


    No I don't have one picked out, but I would like a hatchling. Preferably a male but i know that's a 50/50 shot. No i have never had tortoises but I'm excited to start. I may get two I don't know. but for now I'm working on getting materials to build my enclosure. I'm also going to be growing...
  4. C

    Weird Question

    Since birds seem to be a bad idea, what else CAN coexist with my Sulcata?
  5. C

    Weird Question

    Fair enough. I was thinking larger birds but I would have gotten that later when the tortoise was older (and bigger). but the droppings... you think that they would hurt the tortoise? I'll be honest I don't know much about birds... only that the ones I have seen and interacted with have been...
  6. C

    Weird Question

    Ya it will be my first one. I'm not sold on the idea myself yet, I just wanted to know if there was any potential harm that could come from housing different things with my Sulcata, and there's just plain lots of room above the box...
  7. C


    Of course, it's Chris
  8. C

    Weird Question

    I put this in the Sulcata specific area but figured it could be a good debate too. I am building my own indoor enclosure for my first Sulcata. I am planning on enclosing a 4'x8' area. That's pretty big and there is a lot of room above it. Is it completely crazy to consider enclosing that area...
  9. C

    Weird Question

    So I got this weird Idea today, would it be possible to raise a Sulcata and a blue and gold macaw in the same indoor enclosure? I going to be building my own and thought that since Sulcata's require a large roaming area why not enclose the whole thing and keep a bird too? Any ideas would be much...
  10. C


    Hi everyone! Just wanted to take a minute to say hello, recently moved to PA from NH and am beginning construction on my tortoise box so I can get my first Sulcata, I'm really looking forward to it! Nice to meet you all!