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  1. Mr_Under_Hill

    Male or Female RT

    In an enclosure thread it was brought to my attention that my tortoise may not be a male like the pet shop said. A few users there declared him to actually be a her. While I have no reason to doubt them, I would rather get a few more people’s input. What say you? Is this a male or female Russian...
  2. Mr_Under_Hill

    Chez Boris 2.0

    After my initial post, I found out that my tortoise table for Boris was woefully small. To rectify this, I built a new and improved table. It’s still half the size recommended (4x4 vs 4x8), but it’s about as big as the room can reasonably accommodate. Anyway, I present Chez Boris 2.0!
  3. Mr_Under_Hill


    A few weeks ago I brought home my first tortoise after nearly 30 years of wanting one. A Russian Tortoise named "Boris". The pet shop estimated that he was 1-2 years old, so I wonder if he might be wild-caught or if it's just that the young lady helping me didn't know for sure. I built him a...