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  1. 9


    thank you! when you say doesn’t have direct access to the soil do you mean put another substrate on top of it?
  2. 9


    where can i get safe soil? Also do i put the pot in the enclosure or do i clean off the roots, take it out of the pot, and then put it into the closure?
  3. 9


    thank you! Does substrate have an importance when you put a spider plant into your enclosure? I know a lot of people use top soil but i’m wondering if something like forest floor would sustain the plant.
  4. 9


    Hey! You actually replied to my first post, I guess at post answered most of the questions. However, does the lighting and temp matter if the plant stays alive in the enclosure?
  5. 9


    Hi what are some plants good for hermanns tortoise? Sorry i’m kind of lazy to search for the threads on my own. Also Once i’ve cleaned the soil off and the roots, let it sit, How do i plant it and keep it alive?
  6. 9

    Comment by '9krsn' in media 'How is my tortoises enclosure?'

    Thank you so much, i’ll definitely start to save up and purchase the items i need. this website is so helpful!
  7. 9

    Comment by '9krsn' in media 'How is my tortoises enclosure?'

    When I do make a fully closed chamber set up how can i retain humidity? I feel like it some parts of the enclosure might start to mold.
  8. 9

    Comment by '9krsn' in media 'How is my tortoises enclosure?'

    Thank you for the tips :) I mixed reptisoil with sand for the substrate so I assume that would be non-toxic right? I also added coco chips recently. Are there any enclosure examples you could show me? I’m not very good at finding fully enclosed enclosures.
  9. How is my tortoises enclosure?

    How is my tortoises enclosure?

    I have a 1 year old hermanns tortoise. His enclosure is outside right now because the temp here in california is pretty high. I feed him a diet of mazuri tortoise pellets soaked in warm water, grass, flower for fiber, cucumber, and calcium on top once in a while. PLEASE GIVE ME ANY TIPS. :)
  10. My tortoise

    My tortoise

  11. Tortoise bathing

    Tortoise bathing

  12. 9

    My tortoise enclosure temperature and humidity reads

    Your tortoise enclosure is amazing! It’s so beautiful. I’m sure your tortoise is very happy.