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  1. F

    Hi, new to forum, first tortoise

    He has the option of partial shade from areas of his pen with plants taller than himself, a screened area or total shade in a tunnel he has dug. I'll snap a few current pictures soon.
  2. F

    Hi, new to forum, first tortoise

    At one time I thought it was a redfoot due to the shell but the lack of, well, red feet made me reconsider. The box he was in with that picture is just something I threw together the night we got him. It had a water dish (in which he likes to soak) and a pea gravel base with plants growing from...
  3. F

    Hi, new to forum, first tortoise

    Hi all This past November my gf brought home a very young tortoise gifted to her by a professor who owns a male and female. The only picture I have handy. It seems I'm pretty bad at matching up pictures online with what breed we have. Any ideas? I knew next to nothing when we got him...