Search results

  1. Toons1978

    Minimal Growth Mystery

    On 15 December 2016, I received 4 hatchling Spb Leopard tortoise hatchlings. Here they are in the box in which they were shipped (I took them out of their individual deli cups). Their shared enclosure was set up in the enclosed chamber style. Low temp end is 82F, higher temp end is 96F...
  2. Toons1978

    Promising News for Burmese Star Tortoise

    Since I have “insufficent priveleges” to post in the news section I figured I’d share this here with the target audience. The work the TSA has done is truly amazing and admirable! With the success of the captive...
  3. Toons1978

    Pancake Batter

    The wife sent me photos of our Pancakes getting down on Thursday. This is the second time we've seen them frolicking so, but the first time that we were sure the male was hitting the spot. In fact there was somewhat of a mess and what appears to be "pancake batter" in several places in their...
  4. Toons1978

    It's Never Just a Tortoise....

    That is a quote I credit my wife with from about 4 or 5 tortoises ago. Typically this refers to "needing" to buy a new/ upgraded enclosure or more lighting or thermostats or other shell-puppy(as we call them) accessories. That $400 or $600 plus shipping quickly spirals upwards in overall cost...