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  1. 99redballoons

    Tank's new mansion

    Spring is here and happy that I finished Tank's new outdoor home. He will have plenty, but plenty of space.
  2. 99redballoons

    Tank the magician
  3. 99redballoons

    Tank pics

    Finally woke up from hibernation. Missed my little Tank
  4. 99redballoons

    My tiny Tank

    By next month it will be a whole year that I have had Tank. It's has been an interesting adventure to get to know this amazing turtle. Never thought Tank could bring me so much happiness. Love you Tank
  5. 99redballoons

    Happy camper

    With his outdoor home Tank is finally a happy camper once again
  6. 99redballoons

    Concerned for Tank

    Our turtle Tank has been looking a bit sad lately , he used to be very up beat he would walk around his habitat move around more and now it seems he just likes to sit in a corner all day. He does enjoy been outside and looks good there but I also want for him to enjoy his indoor home again. He...
  7. 99redballoons

    Tank and Rocks

    My ornate box turtle is always trying to eat rocks/pebbles , every time I take him out on the yard I need to keep a very close eye on him or he will eat them , is this normal ? And why does he like them so much ? Help please
  8. 99redballoons

    Is this normal ?

    I have a ornate box turtle , and I have noticed that it sheds it skin specially around his neck , he drinks water , eats normal , poops normal , am I doing something wrong ? Or is this normal ?
  9. 99redballoons

    My tortoise Tank

    We adopted this beautiful tortoise about a month ago , just recently found out about this forum , we need help finding out what species he is