Search results

  1. Oscar_Smith

    Most personable species?

    I'm just so interested to see what y'all think. To clarify, I mean outgoing, won't hide in its shell while you approach, etc. My personal opinion is Russians, because Oscar never hesitates to run up to me (for food, of course)
  2. Oscar_Smith

    Yellowfoot or Redfoot?

    Thank you!!!
  3. Oscar_Smith

    Yellowfoot or Redfoot?

    Another choice of mine would be a leopard tortoise. So, basically I'm split between a red/yellow foot and a leopard tortoise
  4. Oscar_Smith

    Yellowfoot or Redfoot?

    I live in North Carolina, where there are humid-ish summers. I might be leaning toward the red foots, but it isn't final :)
  5. Oscar_Smith

    Yellowfoot or Redfoot?

    I am very interested in buying a red foot or yellow foot tortoise in the springtime. I don't know which one to get! :). Can you guys help me make my decision?
  6. Oscar_Smith

    Watery eyes, drowsy

    That stinks because I just bought 2 more of them :( Now I don't have enough money for the right light. I am in a pickle. One question, is this an okay heat light?
  7. Oscar_Smith

    Watery eyes, drowsy

    I use this bulb. is it bad to use? Room temp cool side 87-90 degrees basking space.
  8. Oscar_Smith

    Watery eyes, drowsy

    Got an adult Russian tortoise (wc) around Halloween, from the start she wasn't very active. I guess that that's just her personality. My main concern is that she is now beginning to have watery eyes, almost as if she is crying. Does anybody know what's going on? I have an exotic vet within 30...
  9. Oscar_Smith


  10. Oscar_Smith


    Well, she isn't really new. I got her in 2012, but I'm ordering another female tomorrow. Pictures on the way!
  11. Oscar_Smith


    I purchased an adult Russian Tortoise from LLLReptile, and she arrived healthy, and was eating regularly. I definitely recommend LLLReptile not only for their supplies, but also for their tortoises. In fact, I'm so satisfied with them that I'll buy from them in the future!
  12. Oscar_Smith

    Is this okay for tortoises?

    I think I'll buy a few of those! Thanks! :tort:
  13. Oscar_Smith

    Is this okay for tortoises?

    I'm making a large outdoor enclosure for my Russian tortoises, and I need a lot. I came across a coconut coir brick that comes in sets of four. My problem is that I'm not sure if this has any bad fertilizers, perlite, or anything...
  14. Oscar_Smith

    Poor little guy

    Got a 4" Russian from Petco, and he came in good condition. I felt awful because three of them were in a small glass terrarium :(
  15. Oscar_Smith

    North Carolina?

    Yeah, it stinks! Apparently, correct me if I'm wrong, you can't have more than 4 turtles or tortoises in NC for some salmonella incident. :(
  16. Oscar_Smith

    Share your "Why I got a tort" stories

    When my tree frog died, I was looking for a different pet to fill the void, (not dogs nor cats) I soon became obsessed with tortoises :tort:
  17. Oscar_Smith

    North Carolina?

    Guess so...:cool:
  18. Oscar_Smith

    Currently building a new outdoor enclosure

    Currently building a new outdoor enclosure
  19. Outdoors


  20. Oscar_Smith

    North Carolina?

    Surely I'm not the only one. Why are there laws against selling tortoises and turtles in NC?