New Member
Hello all.
Fairly new to this forum. Posted this past early spring about my small backyard pond in Northern Virginia and my three water turtles not living thru last winter. Have since gotten a new baby painted turtle, Squirt, and he has tripled in size and is very happy all summer. Hopefully he will be ok this winter…
But now I am posting about my two Russians. I’ve had them for over 5 years. They live all summer in an outdoor enclosure and in past years I have always brought them inside to a very small enclosure w heat lamp. They seem ok w that. I continue feeding them and soak them weekly and they bask under the lamp.
This summer we had to rebuild our deck and will have to redo the tort enclosure after it’s finished. I would really like to include a hibernation/brumation burrow for them to over winter in from now on. I have been researching and this forum always comes up.
I would appreciate any and all advice. If it turns out I don’t go w the over winter outside is there a solution to do it in an unheated garage?
Thx guys. J
Fairly new to this forum. Posted this past early spring about my small backyard pond in Northern Virginia and my three water turtles not living thru last winter. Have since gotten a new baby painted turtle, Squirt, and he has tripled in size and is very happy all summer. Hopefully he will be ok this winter…
But now I am posting about my two Russians. I’ve had them for over 5 years. They live all summer in an outdoor enclosure and in past years I have always brought them inside to a very small enclosure w heat lamp. They seem ok w that. I continue feeding them and soak them weekly and they bask under the lamp.
This summer we had to rebuild our deck and will have to redo the tort enclosure after it’s finished. I would really like to include a hibernation/brumation burrow for them to over winter in from now on. I have been researching and this forum always comes up.
I would appreciate any and all advice. If it turns out I don’t go w the over winter outside is there a solution to do it in an unheated garage?
Thx guys. J