A question about sharks?

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
This is a serious question...I am @ the ocean in Daytona. Of course I brought my underwater toys...Subnados.

The girls went shopping today and I chilled but I began wondering something near & dear to my heart. If I take a rack of Subnados out in the ocean, am I creating the environment of my own demise?

Do electromagnetic fields attract sharks to the extent that maybe I shouldn't???? I understand their senses so if they are there, they will know I am there. I'm good with that as long as it doesn't attract them! I'm guessing someone here is a lot more credible than " the internet" to me. LOL it's important to me...obviously!

Anyone know?


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I have no scientific proof. I also don't remember where I seen it, a TV show, like 20/20, dateline, etc
That there is either an ongoing study or a finished study, that shark attacks may have something to do with magnetic fields. Tested sharks acted to a magnetic field being turned on, getting more active, and approaching the target, where before they were just slowing swimming around.
Now the show I watched said something about humans without any type of equipment and what they may give off that may also cause shark attacks, but I can't remember what that was.
If you did go out, you shouldn't do it alone.


The Dog Trainer
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This is a serious question...I am @ the ocean in Daytona. Of course I brought my underwater toys...Subnados.

The girls went shopping today and I chilled but I began wondering something near & dear to my heart. If I take a rack of Subnados out in the ocean, am I creating the environment of my own demise?

Do electromagnetic fields attract sharks to the extent that maybe I shouldn't???? I understand their senses so if they are there, they will know I am there. I'm good with that as long as it doesn't attract them! I'm guessing someone here is a lot more credible than " the internet" to me. LOL it's important to me...obviously!

Anyone know?
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I don't have a definitive answer, but I've studied sharks a lot. My plan was to be an Ichthyologist before I discovered the free food and great benefits in the movie business... I watched Jaws as a little kid and was terrified of the water after that. My reaction was to study the thing I feared and I learned a ton. I checked out literally every shark book in my school library, and then all the local public libraries, and then started buying shark books in the book stores. I was obsessed for years. Even kept a bunch of the smaller species in my aquariums at home. Started snorkeling at age 13, and got SCUBA certified at 18.

I've seen underwater propulsion devices used here in SoCal, and also at tropical dive resorts and none of the sharks seemed to take any notice of it at all. Those Florida bull sharks are no joke, that is for sure, but I don't think your Subnados are putting you at any more risk than you would be at without them.

jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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I kind of thought not....we would know I would think, if these underwater devices were a dinner bell of sorts. The News wouldn't be able to resist hyping the "danger".

I saw the same show you saw W....it was intriguing and they definitely saw increased activities when the devices were activated.....but it didn't cause a uniform response.

There is a large divide between courageous and stupid. Unfortunately most only realize this and their mistake, when they are "punched in the face" by J's reality.

Kerry is a "worrier". Somehow I think the drama of that conversation won't be worth taking them out and I "spook" too so I don't want to get out there and hear Tom's JAWS music in my head.... 😆


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Don't be a wuss, Jeff. Get on into the water and stop dilly-dallying around! Plus, there are lots of other people in that pool.
Don't push him, Tammy! He may jump in the pool too soon after that huge breakfast and get a stomach cramp! Chuh man!


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I have no scientific proof. I also don't remember where I seen it, a TV show, like 20/20, dateline, etc
That there is either an ongoing study or a finished study, that shark attacks may have something to do with magnetic fields. Tested sharks acted to a magnetic field being turned on, getting more active, and approaching the target, where before they were just slowing swimming around.
Now the show I watched said something about humans without any type of equipment and what they may give off that may also cause shark attacks, but I can't remember what that was.
If you did go out, you shouldn't do it alone.
On shark week, Josh Gates tried out a magnetic field around him and other divers. They went inside the magnetic circle and the sharks wouldn't go in. Very interesting.


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I spent many, many nights on different fishing piers on the beaches of Broward and Palm Beach counties. I think most people would be half scared to death if they had any idea how common large sharks are and how close to swimmers they get. Always seemingly totally uninterested in the swimmers.
One time that I recall, I was looking down at a young couple making out in waist deep water and at the same time, an unusually large Hammerhead swam under one of the pier lights. Cruising probably 15 feet away from them into the darkness.
I'm not a beach lover. And just shadows in the water bother me.
I hate not being able to see what's right there around me. And it's probably a good thing that I can't.
I still like to surf fish. And I block out the fact that most shark attacks are in knee deep water.


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On shark week, Josh Gates tried out a magnetic field around him and other divers. They went inside the magnetic circle and the sharks wouldn't go in. Very interesting.
Did the sharks get more active and moving faster, dodging about? That's what I took from the other program I had seen. That the magnetic field made them more active and agitated.


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Did the sharks get more active and moving faster, dodging about? That's what I took from the other program I had seen. That the magnetic field made them more active and agitated.
No they just swam around. I think it was on with William shatner, Captain Kirk original. Or expedition unknown.


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If you went in the Sea, Jeff, could you see anything? It looks a bit murky in the picture, or is it clear underwater? It's not got a reef, right?


The Dog Trainer
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I spent many, many nights on different fishing piers on the beaches of Broward and Palm Beach counties. I think most people would be half scared to death if they had any idea how common large sharks are and how close to swimmers they get. Always seemingly totally uninterested in the swimmers.
One time that I recall, I was looking down at a young couple making out in waist deep water and at the same time, an unusually large Hammerhead swam under one of the pier lights. Cruising probably 15 feet away from them into the darkness.
I'm not a beach lover. And just shadows in the water bother me.
I hate not being able to see what's right there around me. And it's probably a good thing that I can't.
I still like to surf fish. And I block out the fact that most shark attacks are in knee deep water.
Though I did spend a lot of time in the water as a little kid, everything changed after Jaws. I stayed closer to shore and made sure there was always someone farther out to sea than me. At 13 when I first put on a mask and snorkel, that all changed. Once I could see what was going on under there, it just wasn't scary anymore.

There were times as a teenager when we were all out in the water boogey boarding, surfing or just swimming and things around us just seemed to get really "quiet". I found it very unnerving and every fiber of my being would scream "GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!!!" and I usually did. Nothing ever happened and we never saw anything, but... Years later, now I know why I had those feelings. There were times when I could swear I saw a "shadow" moving near or under us, but dismissed it. Go to YT and look up "The Malibu Artist". Watch a few of his videos and it will all become so clear...


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I saw a show on TV where something was presented that made a whole lot of sense. In modern times, low frequencies from car subwoofers (that are often an unwanted annoyance) are interfering with the communication of sharks especially while feeding. This may agitate them and cause what we see more of now.

jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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No offense to you of course but I do not believe a thing Josh has on his shows. He does a "show" for the camera not a David Attenborough type educational documentary.
On shark week, Josh Gates tried out a magnetic field around him and other divers. They went inside the magnetic circle and the sharks wouldn't go in. Very interesting.

Tom felt a thing called "gut instinct" on the water. We all have it but very few trust it OVER their other senses even though it's "wrong" less than you are!

When that "quiet" happens in the woods, something is about to die and everyone in the animal kingdom knows it.
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jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
If you went in the Sea, Jeff, could you see anything? It looks a bit murky in the picture, or is it clear underwater? It's not got a reef, right?
I didn't go out but I waved to you from the shore Tammy!
The water here is very dark, like Black Lagoon in Jamaica. If a creature comes, you won't have time to do anything. It would happen so fast that thinking you will have time to evade is a fool's errand.
Knowing that is why I made the better decision. I even got a "good boy" from Kerry!


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No offense to you of course but I do not believe a thing Josh has on his shows. He does a "show" for the camera not a David Attenborough type educational documentary.

Tom felt a thing called "gut instinct" on the water. We all have it but very few trust it OVER their other senses even though it's "wrong" less than you are!

When that "quiet" happens in the woods, something is about to die and everyone in the animal kingdom knows it.
Some of the digging I do think is set up, however you can't really do that with sharks.