Adopting not as easy as it seams

Carrie Routt

May 23, 2015
I am new to the Sulcata world. In looking for a sulcata, we have run across so many posts about adopting because there are so many given up when they get large. The problem is we cannot find anyone with one to get rid of. Is this really a problem? Are there any adult sulcatas that need a good home? Where do you start?

Yvonne G

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Hi Carrie, and welcome to the Forum!

Julie of Long Island Turtle Rescue is not taking in any sulcatas because she has too many already and can't find homes for them. Maybe you're just not looking in the right places. I know Julie wants to place her sulcatas in southern states where they can live outside. You would have to pay the shipping, but the tortoises are free. Where are you?

I have two 10" sulcatas looking for homes, but I only place them in my own geographical area.

There are quite a few to adopt in the Arizona tortoise Rescue.

Where are you. I'll help you find a rescue near you.

Carrie Routt

May 23, 2015
I have a 3 year old Russian. My mom is giving me a turtle that she says is a bow turtle/russian hybrid?? Not sure that that is possible. She got it from an old friend. We turtle-sat 2 baby sulcatas and fell in love. I always had a tortoise growing up. I will post pics and ask what it is of the new tortoise once she sends me pics.

Yvonne G

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You probably already know this, but I have to say it anyway:

Mixing species is not advised. Be sure to build a separate pen/yard/enclosure for your sulcata and keep the russian separate. Be sure to quarantine the new turtle your mom's giving your for several months to be sure he's free of disease and micro-organisms before putting him with your Russian. Stool samples from your Russian and from your mom's russian taken to the vet before you put them together. It would be a shame to get either of them sick from putting them together too soon.

I did a Google search for Texas turtle rescue and I'm not sure whereabouts in Texas Tyler is, and it's a very big state. But you can do the search too and maybe find one close to you.

Carrie Routt

May 23, 2015
Yes, this guy is coming with his own inclosure but from the pics, it needs some work. I am not sure what kind of care s/he has had. She was given this little guy and really does not know what to do. I have always been the one to have tortoises. So, yes he will be separated. I am not even sure he has russian in him. I posted the pic on the box turtle thread.
Tyler is about 90 miles East of Dallas.
I have always kept different species separated when I had some before.
Thanks for your search and thanks for the advice. Keep it coming.


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Well-Known Member
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Mar 2, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Tropical South Texas
I am new to the Sulcata world. In looking for a sulcata, we have run across so many posts about adopting because there are so many given up when they get large. The problem is we cannot find anyone with one to get rid of. Is this really a problem? Are there any adult sulcatas that need a good home? Where do you start?
Email me at [email protected] and I'll send you an adoption form. We always have them coming in small to big.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Well I can tell you Kelly has gave me four tortoises . Two sulcatas ,one red foot ,one leopard these were all 100% rescues . Well maybe not the little leopard . Kelly does what he says his place is a tortoise sanctuary.

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