Advice on sneezing


Feb 5, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Im just going to start with some back story ive had my tort 5 months now shes 11 month old hermann , at 9 months old she had respiratory infection as i let temps to cool and to high , thankfully i caught it early ( her only symptoms where a clicking noise everything else was normal ) i asked for advice on here and upped her temps and she now has a che and she had a full course of antibiotics and has been perfect ever since …
I went away for 2 nights i have all her lights on timers ( i do have a camera to so i see everything her temps etc ) but her substrate coco coir dried out more then i would of liked we had a heatwave ( what we call temps above 28 here in the uk ) i did dampen it a-lot before i left and it only dried out the night before i got back it was very dry when i got home , around a day later ive noticed shes been sneezing almost im now worried shes got an ri shes been sneezing for a few days now and ive heard a few quawks but shes a fan of rubbing her jaw together when eating etc and doesn't quawks any other time other then eating and during her soaks ,
Her temps are 29 hot end and 27 currently in the cooler end as its very warm here in the uk or where i am atleast
Basking spot is 35
Humidity i keep between 60-80 somtimes drops to 50 but i always dampen it as soon as i can ,
Night temps are 24 at the lowest this is what her che is set to aswell , at night her humidity does rise sometimes to 86% but at the moment her night temps have been 26 degrees as its very warm

Any advice would be amazing , i do apologise for the amount ive written but i want to give as much information as i can
She is still eating etc and i have been on top of everything since she was last ill

Ive attached a video where she squeak's and she sneezes at the end she only does this a few times a day , the sneezing more then the clicking sort of noise



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Sep 6, 2011
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Whenever you hear or see any symptoms of an RI, raise the over all and night temps by at least 5 degrees and leave them like that until symptoms go away and are gone for at least a week before putting temps back to normal.
The dry substrate may have caused some dustiness that is causing the sneezing?
Also once they have had an RI it's easier for them to get one. In that case, I would not let night temps go below 70/75F
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Do you soak her in warm shallow water? If so how often and how long?


Feb 5, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Whenever you hear or see any symptoms of an RI, raise the over all and night temps by at least 5 degrees and leave them like that until symptoms go away and are gone for at least a week before putting temps back to normal.
The dry substrate may have caused some dustiness that is causing the sneezing?
Also once they have had an RI it's easier for them to get one. In that case, I would not let night temps go below 70/75F
I will raise them right now thank you , i didnt know once they had one its easier to get another one , yes well thats what i thought as before when she had ri she never sneezed , but as its gone on a few days and the substrate isnt dry as she has daily 30 minute soaks
Do you recommend to take her back to the reptile vet for antibiotics or see how she goes with upped temps


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I would raise the temps and give it a few days to see if she gets over the sneezing. If you see any signs of getting worse than take her in to the vet.