Agonizing over redfoots

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Dec 13, 2010
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Thanks to all who contribute to this forum. What a wonderful resource this is for all who want to do right by our little tort friends. We are about to welcome a tortoise to our crazy family and are set on getting a redfoot. We have an enclosure nearly finished (will post photos in another string) and now are trying to settle on where and which little guy to adopt. We have had two missed opportunities on craigslist...been looking at many breeder sites online and have some concerns about that given our location (Pacific NW) distance to ship, and cost for an older tort. I solicited feedback from you all about Petco a while back and got a lot of info that made me concerned...the conditions at the store do seem pretty dismal...the humidity is way too low, the enclosure is very small and they are eating something that looks like a tortoise equivalent to fruit loops. But I must admit that these little redfoots have gotten under my skin and I am really agonizing over what to do here. There are currently two Rfs at the store, one that they have had for two weeks who is just barely 4inches. And another who has been there for a very long time...he is at least 6 inches. The bigger of the two is always pretty active and eating well when I have been in. He does look super dry and also has a patch on his head that almost looks like a scar...different depth and texture from the rest of the skin on his head. He also has some pretty bad pyramiding going. I have been into the store 4 times in the last 2 weeks and have seen the little one always sleeping with his head in the corner. Today we were able to wake him up by giving him a little soak, but he had a lot of difficulty opening his eyes. I have read that this could be due to the lack of moisture but am concerned that there could be a more serious underlying problem. The shell of the smaller one is very smooth. Nobody at the store tonight could confirm that he/she has been seen eating. I know I will get many opinions here, and I am interested to know what you all think we should do. We have a beautiful, large, warm and humid enclosure and are looking forward to giving a little RF a good life. Although we have done a ton of research, we are new to tortoise keeping and have two young kids, so we want a study tortoise that will be good for us beginners (translates to older RF from what I understand). We are inclined now to adopt the bigger one as it seems like he could use a break (been at Petco such a long time) and I am taken with the little sweetie. The younger one is beautiful though and I wonder with the right environment and a little time if she might come around to be a great pet. Any opinions between the two, or do you all think we should walk away from both and order form a breeder online – caveat here being that what is available within our budget will likely be a baby and more difficult to care for. Thanks in advanced for your thoughts and expertise. We are so excited to get our RF....if only we could decide on who that little tort will be ;-)!


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I'm a little partial to getting them out of the PetCo. I got my three cherryheads from PetCo. They had shell rot and because of that they couldn't sell them for full price. I talked the lady into giving me all three for $100. They were dehydrated and had some pyramiding, along with the shell rot, but they were easily rehydrated and the shell rot healed - leaving a little scarring, not too bad. Of course the pyramiding couldn't be fixed, but they are growing smoothly now. They have turned out to be lovely tortoises, and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to get them out of there! Just my experience ...


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Tough decision, The more healthier looking one if from the pet store. Being a breeder, I would bet you could get one from a member here for less than retail and would have lots of support. Wish ever you decide, I wish you both the best.


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Jul 27, 2010
Wow, that's quite a post. I'm going to split it up as there are quite a few different questions here :D

katies said:
Thanks to all who contribute to this forum. What a wonderful resource this is for all who want to do right by our little tort friends. We are about to welcome a tortoise to our crazy family and are set on getting a redfoot. We have an enclosure nearly finished (will post photos in another string) and now are trying to settle on where and which little guy to adopt

Let me be the first to tell ya, Welcome to the forum!! Well, at least this section of it.

You are most certainly picking a good species to start with. Redfoots are very hardy, as are yellowfoots. If you can't find a good redfoot to start with, do not fret over a yellowfoot.

Alot of beginers like to get Sulcata's and get drastically overwhelmed in 3-4 years when the tortoise is 16" and 50 lbs. I admire you're well thought out decision. You've also done wonderful by constructing a habitat before actually acquiring the animal. Full marks!

It's important to mention(here's where this goes south) that when you do finally acquire your tort, to remember that accidents do happen. I'm not to proud to say that I've lost a tort. It's emotionally heartbreaking, but if it does happen, please do not let it discourage you. These are great animals, who will provide you with lifelong companionship and joy!

This forum is a great resource for anyone who finds it, and takes advantage of it.

katies said:
We have had two missed opportunities on craigslist...been looking at many breeder sites online and have some concerns about that given our location (Pacific NW) distance to ship, and cost for an older tort. I solicited feedback from you all about Petco a while back and got a lot of info that made me concerned...the conditions at the store do seem pretty dismal...the humidity is way too low, the enclosure is very small and they are eating something that looks like a tortoise equivalent to fruit loops. But I must admit that these little redfoots have gotten under my skin and I am really agonizing over what to do here.
There are currently two Rfs at the store, one that they have had for two weeks who is just barely 4inches. And another who has been there for a very long time...he is at least 6 inches. The bigger of the two is always pretty active and eating well when I have been in.

Have some patience young skywalker ;) . The worst thing you can do, for yourself and your children, would be to do this strictly on emotion.

The condition of a tortoise is a big thing. Getting a sick tortoise, will mean lots of medical bills and LOTS of sadness and stress, should something happen in the end.

If I bought every redfoot that was kept in dismal condition, not only would I be broke, but I'm sure I would have ended up heartbroken many times as well.

I have personally never boughten a tortoise from a retail vender. Believe me, i've been tempted.

What concerns me with the two RFs you're describing is that they(obv) haven't been handled much, and that's the last thing you want with your (First) tort.

I've taken in a few anti social ones (Just got 2 VERY headshy ones this weekend, actually). But, I have the patience for them to come around. Your children may not.

katies said:
He does look super dry and also has a patch on his head that almost looks like a scar...different depth and texture from the rest of the skin on his head. He also has some pretty bad pyramiding going. I have been into the store 4 times in the last 2 weeks and have seen the little one always sleeping with his head in the corner. Today we were able to wake him up by giving him a little soak, but he had a lot of difficulty opening his eyes. I have read that this could be due to the lack of moisture but am concerned that there could be a more serious underlying problem. The shell of the smaller one is very smooth. Nobody at the store tonight could confirm that he/she has been seen eating. I know I will get many opinions here, and I am interested to know what you all think we should do.

Dehydration is a horrible thing for a tortoise. I (in my early days of tortoise keeping) allowed one of my torts to become severely dehydrated by keeping her in a dry and dusty enclosure. Sure she had a water dish (all petco will do for them), but I just assumed the florida humidity would be enough to keep her good. I went outside to feed her one day, and found her laying in the shell, she had a few cracks on her shell and it was white everywhere. I immediatly took her inside and soaked her for about an hour.

She bounced back a little, but never really has been the same since. This was about 2 years ago. I would advise staying away from the dehydrated one.

I do however want to remind you that there is much more to a tort than how smooth the shell is. I've got a bunch of torts whoose shells are perfectly smooth (the dehydrated one, for example), that aren't as healthy as one of the bumpier ones (although lets be real, they're all healthy. You get the point).

katies said:
We have a beautiful, large, warm and humid enclosure and are looking forward to giving a little RF a good life. Although we have done a ton of research, we are new to tortoise keeping and have two young kids, so we want a study tortoise that will be good for us beginners (translates to older RF from what I understand). We are inclined now to adopt the bigger one as it seems like he could use a break (been at Petco such a long time) and I am taken with the little sweetie. The younger one is beautiful though and I wonder with the right environment and a little time if she might come around to be a great pet. Any opinions between the two, or do you all think we should walk away from both and order form a breeder online – caveat here being that what is available within our budget will likely be a baby and more difficult to care for. Thanks in advanced for your thoughts and expertise. We are so excited to get our RF....if only we could decide on who that little tort will be ;-)!

Like I said in the top part of this post. Please, do not adopt the bigger one just because you feel sorry for it.

As far as the smaller one goes, does he come out of his shell alot?

As long as he's not SEVERELY dehydrated, I'd consider it. Without seeing pictures, none of us here can give you the straight answer you are looking for.

You are saying all of the right things, and I truly hope that whichever one you choose will provide you with a life full of happiness (as, if properly cared for, it will likely outlive you :D )

I can leave you with this, one of the most valuable resources available.


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Dec 13, 2010
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Thanks for all for the thoughtful replies! This forum is amazing! If I could find a captive bred red foot that was not a new baby, from a reputable breeder, that was used to being handled, and could be safely sh9ipped to Washington, for under $200, I would go for it. Anybody with leads for RFs in the Pacific NW out there ;-)?

As I sleep on my decision about these two sweeties I mentioned earlier, let me post some pictures for the members to check out.

Also, I will post some pics of our enclosure in progress for your review and critique under "enclosures". Thanks again for your help and for sharing your collective wisdom!!

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Jul 27, 2010
That six inch does not look all that bad at all!

The way you were describing it made me think it was on it's death bed.

How much are they asking for the two? I'd very much lean towards the six inch if it looks as it does in the pictures. Also, is it's head red? It looks like a cherryhead to me, but I am very close to colorblind when looking at pictures


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Oh good! Glad the photos helped! Can you tell me why you would lean towards the 6inch? Before Christmas, this guy was "marked down" to $79. Now both of them are back up to $110. I was thinking about asking of they would consider a discount if I were to take both. But a little nervous as of course we don't want to end up with lots of vet bills for two sick little darlings.


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Neither one of them look bad to me. Their eyes and noses look clear - I would try for the discount!


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Thanks Kimber! Glad to know you were able to get a discount and that your three little torts are happy and healthy now!


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Jul 27, 2010

I would try asking for a discount as well. You can try to use the torts (seemingly minor) health issues as a reason. His pyramiding as well, etc. Make it out to be alot worse than it is, and bring up the $79 christmas sale.

It's worth a shot to save some $$. the worst thing to happen is they simply say no.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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the bigger one is a little pyramided but that is not the end all of tortoises, it can be corrected over time,I also thought they would be in worse condition. I would see if the would be willing to go for a I'll buy 2 at a lower price, remember the longer they stay the less money they make. But be prepared for possible vet bills.


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It looks like my Rocky and Adrienne (also 6 and 4 inches) and similar condition. My 6 inch is active and healthy now, 4 inch is coming along.

As to picking, the smart choice is the 6 inch, heart choice the 4 inch.

The low activity and closed eyes are big red flags. I'll also darn near bet money if you inspect the bottom of each they have shell rot (probably minor but there all the same). Petco needs to get a new source for redfoots, but that's another issue.

If you can work a deal, getting them both is not a bad game plan. THey're already exposed to each other, no quarantine needed. Just be ready, that 4 inch may take some extra TLC. Make sure you're keeping them warm and humid enough.

All just my 2 cents, but for what its worth my two rescues both originally came out of a local chain pet store, I'm somewhat familiar with the stock they get and the issues at hand. I live in your neck of the woods as well.

Good Luck


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Sep 4, 2010
They're both super cute. I would ask for a discount and get both. Take them for a wellness check as soon as you can. The 6 inch looks just like my Sheldon who has about the same amount of pyramiding. I got Sheldon at an independently owned pet shop that has been here since before I was born. Please keep us updated on everything:):)

Torty Mom

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Katies, I say go for it! You can save those poor babies from their dismal existance! Ask for a discount, it never hurts to ask!!! I think with the proper care and some TLC they will be happy in no time! Good luck with your decision, it's a hard one, my heart gets in the way all the time!!


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Hi All! We got the 6 inch RF today. No hope for a discount, but I think things worked out for the best...we feel good about starting as a one tort family for now ;-). "Louie" is awesome, eating and exploring despite the excited children crowded around the tank. He/she is very sweet and social so far.

The little one was still sleeping in the corner. The "Reptile Expert" was at the store today and also said she had not yet seen the little one eat :-(. I told her my concerns and she said she plans to observe him for a few more days and then will take it to the local exotic vet. Hopefully they can get the little guy in good shape and to a new home soon.

I will post pictures soon! Thanks again for all who helped us make this important decision!


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Jul 27, 2010
Katies, congrats!!

One piece of advice, dno't handle him too awful much at first. He's naturally going to be stressed out over the move, and handling him will only add to it. Just like with people, the more stressed we are, the more compromised out immune system is.


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Stev0623 said:
Katies, congrats!!

One piece of advice, dno't handle him too awful much at first. He's naturally going to be stressed out over the move, and handling him will only add to it. Just like with people, the more stressed we are, the more compromised out immune system is.

Thanks Stev0623! We plan to give him some space to let him settle in. I know it has been a stressful day!


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2010
Welcome to the wonderful world of redfoots. Louie is adorable. I think you made a good choice.


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I ended up with a store bought Redfoot from PetSmart, just under 6 inches. Her habitat there had the same typical pet store problems, but she was totally healthy, and is just a joy to have. She did an extra lot of hiding for about the first week or so, just as an fyi.

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