Arkansas hits a home run!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
1. I like to travel.
2. Most folks in other States make lighthearted jokes about folks from Arkansas.

I believe both of those are facts.

SO, I was blown away by the State activity booklet filing system at the Arkansas Welcome center!

You might think this is a small thing but it's not if you travel a lot and actually like doing stuff instead of "just passing thru" life.
Every time you see a wall full of flyers and booklets when you are somewhere that you may never be again, they are all on one rack and when you pluck one that grabs your eye, you find out its 300 miles away and you suffer "years of future regret"(hand to forehead) because it's too far.


It's a shame that I didn't take more pics of this place. Free coffee to boot!

They had 16 of these racks. One section by Quadrant of the state another by Activity and a third by County.

They had duplicates where necessary and it was still cross-referenced THREE different ways!

Other States always try to arrange then alphabetically....big mistake but they aren't bright enough to figure it out yet. The Interstate system is only 75 years old, so give them some time....they may yet figure it out! LOL

I have driven through every State but 5......this is by far the best system ever and it works 100% without wasteful tech. How refreshing!
Someone DOES have a brain today....and they live in Arkansas of all places!

Who da thunk?

Congrats guys, you show the rest of the State's how it's done!


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
It's very nicely displayed too.
I never noticed the problem you have with those pamphlets. But I have never used them much either.