Avis MEP


5 Year Member
Nov 23, 2013
Je n arrive pas a poster les photos sur le forums desole , quelqu un a une adresse mail ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
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If anyone here does not understand, Johndesiles is saying that it is the first batch of eggs, and they are small. He cannot post pictures so if you have an email address he can send them. I do not have any advice, but if anyone else does I can help to translate.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Congratulations, John! This is great news. I put my eggs in moist vermiculite in covered plastic tubs inside the incubator. I keep the temperature on the low side - around 83F. Others on the Forum use different methods and have success. You can talk to @tortadise he just recently hatched some Manouria eggs.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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The size of the eggs depends upon the size and age of the mother tortoise. A very young female lays smaller eggs. And 47 is a normal clutch size.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
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The size of the eggs depends upon the size and age of the mother tortoise. A very young female lays smaller eggs. And 47 is a normal clutch size.
Congratulations, John! This is great news. I put my eggs in moist vermiculite in covered plastic tubs inside the incubator. I keep the temperature on the low side - around 83F. Others on the Forum use different methods and have success. You can talk to @tortadise he just recently hatched some Manouria eggs.

Félicitations , John ! Ce sont d'excellentes nouvelles . J'ai mis mes oeufs dans la vermiculite humide dans des bacs couverts en plastique à l'intérieur de l'incubateur . Je garde la température sur le côté bas - autour de 28C . D'autres sur le Forum utiliser des méthodes différentes et avoir du succès . Vous pouvez parler @tortadise il récemment éclos des œufs Manouria . La taille des œufs dépend de la taille et de l'âge de le mere tortue . Un très jeune femme pond des oeufs plus petits . Et 47 est une taille d'embrayage normale .


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Mar 2, 2012
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Awesome. Congrats. I had success with completely burying the eggs in a mixture of peat moss and sand(peat moss 80% sand 20%) layered the bottom of the 10 gallon aquarium with 3" of 3/8" pea gravel and sand, filled water up to the top of the rock then placed the soil in. I kept the eggs all bundled together like they were in a nest. Kept them room temperature, however this was during our summer so temps kept in mid 80s to high 90s. Now I would probably place a heat mat underneath to keep warm temps and more stable.

Egg size typically is because younger or inexperienced specimens. Manouria tend to hit a prime when they're well into 25-40 years old. But can produce younger. It takes time for the female to gain a good follicle and egg developing cycle, typically the 3rd or 4th year from the first clutch laid is when they start to become a little better at producing ova(eggs).

Good luck hope they're all fertile and hatch.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Awesome. Congrats. I had success with completely burying the eggs in a mixture of peat moss and sand(peat moss 80% sand 20%) layered the bottom of the 10 gallon aquarium with 3" of 3/8" pea gravel and sand, filled water up to the top of the rock then placed the soil in. I kept the eggs all bundled together like they were in a nest. Kept them room temperature, however this was during our summer so temps kept in mid 80s to high 90s. Now I would probably place a heat mat underneath to keep warm temps and more stable.

Egg size typically is because younger or inexperienced specimens. Manouria tend to hit a prime when they're well into 25-40 years old. But can produce younger. It takes time for the female to gain a good follicle and egg developing cycle, typically the 3rd or 4th year from the first clutch laid is when they start to become a little better at producing ova(eggs).

Good luck hope they're all fertile and hatch.

@johndesiles -
Impressionnant . Félicitations . J'ai eu du succès avec enterrer complètement les œufs dans un mélange de tourbe et de sable ( mousse de tourbe de 80 % de sable 20 % ) en couches le fond de l'aquarium 10 gallons avec 3 " 3/8 de " gravillons et du sable , de l'eau rempli jusqu'à le sommet de la roche , puis placé dans le sol . j'ai gardé les oeufs tous regroupés comme s'ils étaient dans un nid . Les gardait la température ambiante , mais c'était pendant notre été si les températures maintenues en milieu des années 80 à 90 élevées . Maintenant, je ne serais probablement placer un tapis de chaleur en dessous pour maintenir les températures chaudes et plus stable .
La taille des oeufs est généralement parce que les spécimens plus jeunes ou inexpérimentés . Manouria tendance à frapper un premier quand ils sont vieux et en 25-40 ans . Mais peut produire plus jeune . Il faut du temps pour la femme d'acquérir une bonne follicule et développement de l'œuf du cycle , généralement la 3e ou 4e année du premier embrayage est prévue quand ils commencent à devenir un peu mieux à la production d'ovules ( œufs ) .
Bonne chance j'espère qu'ils sont tous fertiles et trappe .


Active Member
5 Year Member
Aug 5, 2012
The phayrei eggs look good. Is the female that laid them captive born or wild collected? Phayrei can lay viable eggs at 40lbs. As stated their eggs are smaller at this 40lb point. Its the weight of the female not the age. Ive hatched some little 35 gram phayrei and some 47 gram emys emys . The eggs get better with the females weight. When did she lay them? Vic


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5 Year Member
Nov 23, 2013
Hello the female phayrei is 16 years old, it is about the first laying(eggs), she was born in captivity and is necessary weigh neighborhood 20kg for 48cm of plastron. She(it) laid on October 21st.

At the end of how long have little to observe veins in the egg?

Thank you for your message emysbreeder

Bonjour la femelle phayrei a 16 ans , il s'agit de la première ponte , elle est née en captivité et doit peser environs 20kg pour 48cm de plastron . elle a pondu le 21 octobre .
Au bout de combien de temps ont peu observer les veines dans l'œuf ?
Merci pour ton message emysbreeder


Active Member
5 Year Member
Aug 5, 2012
Hello the female phayrei is 16 years old, it is about the first laying(eggs), she was born in captivity and is necessary weigh neighborhood 20kg for 48cm of plastron. She(it) laid on October 21st.

At the end of how long have little to observe veins in the egg?

Thank you for your message emysbreeder

Bonjour la femelle phayrei a 16 ans , il s'agit de la première ponte , elle est née en captivité et doit peser environs 20kg pour 48cm de plastron . elle a pondu le 21 octobre .
Au bout de combien de temps ont peu observer les veines dans l'œuf ?
Merci pour ton message emysbreeder

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