baby Hermann with respiratory infection


New Member
Mar 8, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Oakland, CA
Hi all,

I posted a few days ago because my 3 month old Hermann had stopped eating... It's been about ten days now and today I noticed her scratching her face and kind of biting at the air. I took her to my local vivarium (couldn't find a reptile vet in my area on such short notice) and they said she likely has some sort of cold/respiratory infection and she has slim chances of survival at this point. They suggested downsizing her enclosure to make sure she's nice and warm. They said this is most likely from the overall temp of the enclosure being too cold. I feel absolutely awful. I followed the breeders instructions to a T, but I still feel like this is totally my fault and I should've been more vigilant. She still seems like she's really struggling to breath and I'm so afraid that I'm gonna lose her.

Any suggestions on how to help this little baby survive would be greatly appreciated! I'm already doing carrot soaks 1-2 times a day to try to get some calories in her.

Thank you


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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 8, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
I'm so sorry her condition has regressed to this point.

Please don't beat yourself up with guilt. I believe the blame for this is with the breeder, who most assuredly gave you terrible advice on how to care for your baby.

You, on the other hand, took swift action to fix the problem, once it was pointed out what the problem was. Unfortunately, it seems that the damage had already been done.

Keep her temps up, continue her carrot soaks. Put the soak mixture into her enclosure partially under her heat light. That will help to keep it warm for as long as possible...just be sure to check the temp often. There isn't much else you can do until Monday.

I will pray that your little one will have the strength to pull through. ?

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