Baby Sulcata Enclosure

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5 Year Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Hello everyone. If you don't already know, I came home from work last night and my baby leopard tortoise was flipped on his back and must have suffocated. I am buying my wife a Sulcata tortoise and wanted to know how to set up an enclosure for him the right way, I'd love to see pictures and any care tips sulcata owners have. I want to have his enclosure set up before I order him.


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10 Year Member!
Jan 17, 2012
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Smart call in having everything PERFECT before getting your new little one. I am sorry to hear about your other little one. Also, you must be confident in where you are getting your sulcata from. Confident in care, that it does not carry anything, what the breeder has done with it, etc...look up the enclosure area on the forum and read as much as you can. Buy a temp gun (I got mine at Home Depot for 20$) to make sure your 4 temps are good( basking spot, with rock under, at 95-105 ALWAYS, ambient temp at 80-90, cool side no under 80-85, night temp, no under 80-85. Here is my enclosure. The open side is now covered with plexiglass 4-5 inches on each side and a towel over it to keep heat/humidity. It's very basic but I know my little 9.5 month sulcata won't flip and everything is good!

Also, here's my sulcata now at 370 grams, 4.75 inches in carapace(sp?) long.


Others will come by to touch bases on topics I have not covered! Good luck!
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