His nails are normal and fine. The awkward walking is likely splayed leg syndrome from walking on the slick surfaces you mentioned. They should never be free roaming loose on the floor. That can kill them in many ways.
The slate isn't going to do much, but it will make a good basking area under the bulb.
The first order of business should be to get this guy hydrated with daily soaks for a couple of weeks, and make sure the GI tract is functioning well. Then get the diet and enclosure parameters corrected.
Most of the info found out in the world will be all wrong. Here is the current and correct care info:
Info For New People. Please Read This First.
Hello and welcome to! We are all glad you are here! There is no other forum like this anywhere. We have tens of thousands of members from all over the world ranging from kids with their first tortoise to people who have been breeding and keeping high end tortoises since
Thank you Tom, appreciate the info.
Got a container on the way to bathe him too, so will start when that arrives with daily soaks.
He's passing faeces and urates, so hopefully no problems there, just a lot of things to do to get him healthy and happy. Hopefully a couple of months from now he'll be fatter, better able to walk and in much better shape generally.
Any suggestion on how to get him the excersise he needs for now? I can't afford a bigger enclosure yet, it's too cold outside and if the floor is dangerous, there aren't many other options I can see at the moment until I can purchase a bigger terrarium.